This Winter Will Likely Be One Of Ten Coldest In US History

So far, this winter has been the 12th coldest on record in the US.

ScreenHunter_24 Feb. 01 10.59

With lots of very cold weather in the long range forecast.

ScreenHunter_25 Feb. 01 11.03

ScreenHunter_26 Feb. 01 11.05

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to This Winter Will Likely Be One Of Ten Coldest In US History

  1. BobW in NC says:

    No surprise to me. But, hey – who are we? WUWT posted that Prince Charles has ad hom’d that we “climate change deniers [are] the “headless chicken brigade.” And, if Prince Charles says it, well…

  2. Dick Stanley says:

    I’m still waiting for the explanation of why extreme heat leads to extreme cold.

  3. stewart pid says:

    This is unadjusted data and therefore invalid. Once the Mann made Glo-bull warming correction is applied this winter will be the hottest ever 😉

  4. Sundance says:

    The Illinois State Climatologist has posted January 2014 results as 8th coldest on record.


    Based on preliminary evidence, January 2014 was the eighth coldest January on record for Illinois. The statewide average temperature was 18.2 degrees, 8.1 degrees below the 1981-2010 average of 26.3 degrees. The statewide records go back to 1895.

    Coldest January’s on Record
    1.January 1977: 10.3°F
    2.January 1918: 11.6°F
    3.January 1979: 12.9°F
    4.January 1912: 13.9°F
    5.January 1940: 13.9°F
    6.January 1978: 16.0°F
    7.January 1963 and 1982: 16.7°F
    8.January 1970, 1985, and 2014: 18.2°F

    After being largely absent for the past two winters, below-zero temperatures were common in January 2014. For example, in Chicago the low temperature was zero or below on 13 days at O’Hare Airport. The low temperature was below freezing (32 degrees) every day of the month at Chicago.

    • Andy DC says:

      Notice the 3 consecutive extreme cold winters from 1977-1979. That was during the non existent (sarc) Ice Age scare of the 1970’s. Also a perfect launching pad for alarmist time to begin, after 3 historic cold winters.

  5. Sundance says:

    Rapid Climate Change when CO2 was 280 PPM.

    The Sudden Change of 1836 and 2014 in Illinois

    Posted on January 26, 2014 by Jim Angel

    One piece of weather lore in Illinois was the “Sudden Change” of 1836, which referred to a rapid drop in temperature on December 20, 1836. At the time Illinois was sparsely populated with few weather observation. The accounts of the time talk of a mild December day with the high temperature reaching into the 40s. On the horizon appeared a dark cloud, followed by strong winds, and a sudden drop in temperature. Some claim the temperature dropped from 40 degrees to -20 degrees in a matter of minutes!

    That kind of temperature change seems a bit far-fetched. We do know that the weather observer for Augusta, IL, (west of Springfield) reported 40 degrees at dawn and 0 degrees at 2 pm on December 20, 1836. And what they describe sounds like a very strong low pressure system passed to the north of Illinois with a trailing cold front moving through the state, ushering in much colder air, high winds, clouds, and rain changing to snow. It sounds very similar to the conditions of January 26-27, 2014, in Illinois (I’m writing this on Sunday night as the wind howls outside).

    Of course, this was long before there were accurate forecast or even the basic understanding of warm and cold fronts. It comes as no surprise then that several people perished during this sudden change of temperature. John and Sarah Power recount some incredible hardships in the 1876 “History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois”.

    One account told of two travelers, named Hildreth and Frame, who were caught out in the open as the cold front hit. By dark, with no house in sight and plummeting temperatures, they killed one of the horses, took out the entrails, and crawled inside the carcass as far as they could for warmth. By midnight, the horse was frozen so they attempted to kill the second horse. But someone dropped the knife and they couldn’t find it in the dark. By 4 am, Frame was in the advanced stages of hyperthermia and “sank down in a sleep from which he never awakened”. Hildreth continued on horseback the next day. After one family refused to help, others came to his aid in the afternoon. He ended up losing most of his toes and fingers to frostbite.

    One of the more humorous accounts was about a man named Crowder who was riding into Springfield to get a marriage license. He met the strong cold front about halfway to town. The water and slush on the road turned to ice in a matter of 20 minutes. Once in Springfield, he “attempted to dismount, but was unable to move, his overcoat holding him as firmly as thought it was made of sheet iron. He called for help, and two men come out, who tried to lift him off, but his clothes were frozen to the saddle, which they ungirthed, and then carried the man and saddle to the fire and thawed them asunder.” He made it back in time for the wedding on the 21st.

    Many other stories were told of the sudden warming of 1836, such as two men frozen as they stood – one holding the reigns of a horse and the other kneeling as to start a fire. I’m sure many of these were embellishments of real and imaginary events. However, I am equally sure that many humans and animals suffered and perished during this sudden change.

    In closing, we can now talk about the “Sudden Change of 2014? which was probably comparable to the 1836 in terms of the meteorology. However, in 2014 we benefit from better forecasts, warmer houses, and better modes of transportation than horseback. Be safe and stay warm.

    • D. Self says:

      If Obama has his way we will be using horse drawn carriages while he is transported by and SUV with his insider trading criminal pal Al Gore.

    • Gail Combs says:

      I saw that type of weather in Indiana near the Illinois border.

      Went into the cave and the temperature was near 60°F came out to a blizzard and near 0°F sopping wet. You have never seen a bunch of people change clothes so fast in your life…. In the middle of the road because the black top was clear of snow and relatively warm. Thank goodness the cave was not too far from the road.

  6. climate fascists will soon rewrite history and the winter of 2104 will be portrayed as a summer;+30 all the time, with ski resorts closed; and children crying about not seeing snow…..such fascistic fraud is now termed ‘science’….

  7. Mkelley says:

    However cold it might be down here, I bet it’s worse up in “Winterpeg”:

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