Unarmed Civilians Being Murdered By Their Own Government

Progressives hope to do the same to Americans


h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Unarmed Civilians Being Murdered By Their Own Government

  1. Chuck says:

    Jesus, stop the fucking testudo formation, use the surrounding buildings and flank the fucking sniper.

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    It was conservatives who introduced national police forces via the Drug War and Homeland Security campaigns. American urban progressives are merely idealists who have been misled by a rogue field of science enabled by over specialization. And progressivism is falling apart now, just a bit slower than in Australia, Britain and Australia since it wasn’t as deeply established in the US before, as now it suddenly indeed is. Global warming science is their Achilles heal and they know it, so inertia sets in, and the press knows it too now, frighteningly, as they go down with it, and serious scientists know it as well, as they fall from grace in turn.

    Skeptics have taught conservative politicians and talk radio type of personalities well though, as this extremely smooth and sophisticated philosophical handling of a CNN reporter by Ted Cruz demonstrates:

    He is properly condescending and historically engaged, most excellently.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Exactly! The Cruz Missile is on target!

      I know some people say he’s too bold, or something. But with “climate change” we don’t need some flab ridden squish like Christie that is just going to walk hand in hand with the leftists, or some equivocating double talking do~che like Romney who now apparently has gone back to “believing” in global warming. No, instead the people will respect someone that’s stands firm, that has the easy courage of his convictions. And is a persuasive speaker! On climate change, it’s Ted Cruz!

    • Tel says:

      If you are trying to paint George W Bush as a conservative, then tell me what was the guy attempting to conserve exactly?

      • Gail Combs says:

        His own wealth and that of his buddies.

        If you want to know why Republicans are actually RINOs and the Republican party HATES the Tea Party, read E. M. Smith on the economics of “Evil Socialism” vs “Evil Capitalism”

        The mega-corporations are pro-socialism. They want to kill off the competition. They want to kill off the small businesses that put a lid on price escalation. They want to give the entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas no choice but to be wage slaves so the wealth generated from their ideas goes not to the entrepreneur but to the corporation he now works for.

        For an example read Mother Jones — Dwayne’s World: Dwayne Andreas has made a fortune with the help of politicians from Hubert Humphrey to Bob Dole.

        Dwayne Andreas is the all time highest campaign contributor in the USA. If you don’t like Mother Jones you can read The CATO Institute Analysis No. 241
        Archer Daniels Midland: A Case Study In Corporate Welfare by James Bovard

        I prefer the Mother Jones article for talking to Progressives:

        …ADM [Archer Daniels Midland Co.] is indeed a Goliath of world food production (it calls itself the “supermarket to the world”), with 1994 reported sales of $11.3 billion and profits of $484 million….

        For all ADM’s size, the question now is not whether the government can survive without ADM but whether ADM can survive without the government. Three subsidies that the company relies on are now being targeted by watchdogs ranging from Ralph Nader to the libertarian Cato Institute.

        The first subsidy is the Agriculture Department’s corn-price support program. Despite ADM’s close association with corn, this is the least important subsidy to the company. In the short run, ADM might actually benefit if this program is cut back since it might reduce the price the company pays for raw corn. But over time, the lack of a government regulation could lead to wild price fluctuations that would make long-term planning difficult for the company.

        Of more benefit to ADM is the Agriculture Department’s sugar program. The program runs like a mini-OPEC: setting prices, limiting production, and forcing Americans to spend $1.4 billion per year more for sugar, according to the General Accounting Office. The irony is that, aside from a small subsidiary in Metairie, La., ADM has no interest in sugar. Its concern is to keep sugar prices high to prevent Coke and all the other ADM customers that replaced cane sugar with corn sweeteners from switching back. “The sugar program acts as an umbrella for them,” says Tom Hammer, president of the Sweetener Users Association. “It protects them from economic competition.”

        The third subsidy that ADM depends on is the 54-cent-per-gallon tax credit the federal government allows to refiners of the corn-derived ethanol used in auto fuel. For this subsidy, the federal government pays $3.5 billion over five years. Since ADM makes 60 percent of all the ethanol in the country, the government is essentially contributing $2.1 billion to ADM’s bottom line. No other subsidy in the federal government’s box of goodies is so concentrated in the hands of a single company.

        This is the reason no matter who is in control of the White House and Congress the ‘Grand Plan’ a march towards Global Governance and a Neo-feudal society continues.

        ” “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.”” ~ Nikita Khrushchev 1959

        • Eric Simpson says:

          And this: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” -Norman Thomas, former U.S. Socialist presidential candidate

    • Justa Joe says:

      Remember Operation Rescue or Waco ? The progs have been bustin’ heads of their perceived enemies for quite some time now. The difference now is that they have absolute problems.

      Howard Dean on skeptics: ‘No need to talk to them anymore. We’re just going to run ‘em over’

  3. Ivan says:

    It’s not like they would have difficulty in finding the thugs to do the dirty work for them:

  4. Robertv says:

    I have just one problem with these Unarmed Civilians . Why the hell do they want to form part of the EURRS. Jumping from the frying pan into the fire makes no sense.

  5. Brian H says:

    Solution: stop the disarming of the civilians.

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