West Antarctica Lost 1,000 Feet Of Ice Before 1949

Current climate experts simply forgot to mention that WAIS thinning has been going on for centuries, and has nothing to do with CO2.

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Spokane Daily Chronicle – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to West Antarctica Lost 1,000 Feet Of Ice Before 1949

  1. Jimbo says:

    There is also this.

    IN the last decade of the nineteenth century, between 1892 and 1897, there occurred an enormous outburst of ice from the Antarctic which filled the Southern Ocean with ice floes and icebergs to such an extent that traffic between South America, Africa, and Australia had to seek a more northerly track. This outburst had far-reaching climatic repercussions. The monsoon regimen of the Indian Ocean was profoundly disturbed……In 1899 – 1900 upwards of 6,500,000 people were on famine relief for several months. The loss of cattle was great, running into many millions…….

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Copy of original report by Dodson. 1948.
    See Page 8 for Deglaciation. Please note the term “geologically speaking”!

    “As the upper limit of glaciation was not found it is obvious that a short time ago geologically speaking the ice was more than 600 ft. thick ten miles off shore. When due allowance for the gradient of the glacier is made it seems certain that the ice was at that time a 1000 ft. thicker on the mainland than at present.”

    Anyone who says that the Antarctic glaciers are getting thinner due to CO2 and CAGW has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. The irony is that NOAA say this and yet have the scientific evidence of the opposite in their library.

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