Daily Archives: August 10, 2014

80 Years Ago : “Acts Of God Ravaged The Four Corners Of The Globe”

02 Feb 1935 – DISASTERS OF 1934 REVIEWEL Millions Were Rendere…

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80 Years Ago : 117 Degrees In The Midwest

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80 Years Ago, England Had Their Worst Drought In A Century


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80 Years Ago : Thousands Of Cattle Shot A Day To End Their Suffering

Eighty years ago, the US was experiencing its worst drought in history. Eighty percent of the country was in drought, and tens of thousands of cattle were being shot to end their suffering. 28 Jul 1934 – AMERICAN DROUGHT DESTRUCTION OF CATTLE … Continue reading

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80 Years Ago: Progressives Starving Millions Of People In The Ukraine

Progressives say that the Soviet Communists, just weren’t communist enough.

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