110,000 Fans At A Soccer Match In Michigan Today

ScreenHunter_1588 Aug. 02 23.23 Javier Hernandez confirmed a Manchester United versus Liverpool clash in Miami on Monday with a diving header to seal a 3-1 victory against Real Madrid in front of the biggest crowd ever to witness a football game in the United States.

Manchester United 3 Real Madrid 1: Ashley Young scores twice as Louis van Gaal maintains impressive start – Telegraph

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to 110,000 Fans At A Soccer Match In Michigan Today

  1. There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

    I wondered where all the new illegals went.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    Global warming is to blame!

  3. redc1c4 says:

    medical studies on humans, especially touchy ones that expose the patient to pain, suffering or damage are rigorously controlled.

    who sponsored this experiment?

  4. Robertv says:

    So much CO2 and so little grass. How did these people survive? Does anyone see the 40 that represent CO2 ? Maybe they should raise their hand.

    • Ben Vorlich says:

      Two teams of 11plus 4 substitutes =30; 4 officials; 2 managers; 4 managers assistants total 40. So the crowd is innocent.

      • Robertv says:

        So all of the back radiation is from the center?

      • Justa Joe says:

        Even the number of participants dwarfs 400ppm. A college football team dresses about 100 players @ home and travels with typically 50-63 players. A college football coaching staff is huge. I’d say about 10 coaches. Add on at least three for medical and trainers per team. Add on who knows how many support staff (videographers, equipment managers, etc, etc). There are also 7 – 8 officials working a game depending on the conference.Let’s not forget the cheerleaders.

        • There are way more active participants in metric football.

          If you watched the World Cup you would have seen large groups of men with stretchers regularly entering the pitch, taking hold of players flapping helplessly on the ground, carrying them to the sidelines where out of camera view the hook is presumably removed so the players can stand up and be released back in.

  5. Edmonton Al says:

    Must have been free tickets? ;^D

  6. Brian H says:

    Miami, Michigan?

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