Daily Archives: August 15, 2014

Thirty Five Years Since The Heaviest Rainfall In US History

1979 was the coldest year in US history, and also brought the heaviest rain – 43 inches in one day. Extreme Weather: A Guide & Record Book – Christopher C. Burt – Google Books Climate experts say that global warming … Continue reading

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Global Cooling Since 1997 – Worse Than It Seems

Crack government scientists announced 14 years ago that snow is a thing of the past. Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past Monday 20 March 2000 Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit … Continue reading

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UHI Update

Normally it is 5-10 degrees warmer in the gym parking lot, than along the bike trail I take through the forest to get there. During the summer the heat in the parking lot was definitely noticeable on a few nights. … Continue reading

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Albuquerque Police Shootings Since 2010

  APD Under Fire | Albuquerque Journal News

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Changes In Arctic Ice Over The Past Week

Red shows ice extent loss since August 7, green shows gain. High pressure has been creating winds which are compacting the ice in the Chukchi, East Siberian and Laptev Seas, and will continue to do so for at least a few … Continue reading

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National Wildlife Federation Great Lakes Warning!

Global Warming and the Great Lakes Already, Lake Superior has increased water temperatures and an earlier onset of summer stratification by about two weeks in just the past 30 years. Within another 30 years Lake Superior may be mostly ice-free … Continue reading

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