Daily Archives: August 19, 2014

Four Months After Predicting The Demise Of Antarctic Sea Ice, NSIDC Experts Said They Predicted Record Ice All Along

Two years ago in June, Boulder experts predicted the demise of Penguins due to declining Antarctic Sea ice. EMPEROR PENGUINS THREATENED BY ANTARCTIC SEA ICE LOSS June 20, 2012 BOULDER—A decline in the population of emperor penguins appears likely this … Continue reading

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Climate Scientists Sinking Deeper And Deeper Into Their Own Crap

EXPERTS: GLOBAL WARMING MEANS MORE ANTARCTIC ICE By SETH BORENSTEIN — Oct. 10, 2012 5:48 PM EDT Climate change skeptics have seized on the Antarctic ice to argue that the globe isn’t warming and that scientists are ignoring the southern … Continue reading

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Arctic Alarmist Disaster – Much Worse Than It Seems

As bad as this year has been for Arctic alarmists, their pain is just beginning. Melt has been extremely slow in August, in fact area has not changed for about a week, and is now larger than 2006 The ice has been … Continue reading

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