Daily Archives: August 26, 2014

Northwest Passage Closed For Business

The Northwest Passage is not going to open up this year. A week from now, Pond Inlet is forecast to be below freezing. 10-Day Temperature Outlook

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Progressives Worried About Guns

Every day driving to work In Maryland, I see a dozen or so drivers who are completely insane. They weave in and out of traffic at high speed, tailgate and engage in behavior which threatens everyone else on the road. … Continue reading

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In Order To Check A Fact, You Have To Have A Fact To Check

Miriam Goderich says the reason her literary agency promoted client Barack Obama as “born in Kenya” for 17 years (until he announced his candidacy for president) – was a “simple fact checking error” Exposing The Original Birther | Real Science … Continue reading

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Arctic Melt Season Just About Done

There was almost no change in Arctic sea ice cover between August 24 and August 25. Red shows loss, green shows gain. There are a series of cyclones forming over the ice, which will spread it. Temperatures have also dropped … Continue reading

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How NOAA Data Tampering Destroys Science

Thermometers show a 60 year cycle US summer cooling and heating. Ten years of sharp cooling, followed by 50 years of gradual warming. The graph below shows two sharp cooling periods from 1895 to 1905, and again from 1950 to 1960. … Continue reading

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If You Don’t Tamper With The Data, You Can Actually Learn Something About The Climate

This graph of US summer temperatures is a stunner. The most obvious feature is the incredibly hot 1930’s, which NASA and NOAA are working very hard to erase. But beyond that, what catches my attention are the 50 year cycles … Continue reading

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