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Daily Archives: August 28, 2014
Understanding The Timeline
2001 : World Trade Center attacked – Americans beg for more surveillance and less freedom. Patriot Act passed a few weeks later. 2013 : Snowden makes people aware that they are being spied on by their own government. Americans demand less surveillance. … Continue reading
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Navajo Message To The Moon
NAVAJO MESSAGE TO THE MOON When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project, it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation in Arizona for training. One day, a Navajo elder and his son came across the space crew walking among … Continue reading
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Turn Off The Idiot Box
I take the dogs for an hour long walk every night, and get to enjoy this [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHInAYuzBSM] I almost never see any other people on the trails, but I do see lots of TV lights flickering in the windows of … Continue reading
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Understanding California
When we lived in Mountain View in the late 1990’s, my wife used to hang out with Russians in Rengstorf Park during the day. They told her that the US was wonderful – they didn’t have to work, and were able … Continue reading
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Fewest US Forest Fires In Three Decades
Obama science czar John Holdren says US forest fires doubled this decade, when in fact they did the exact opposite. They have declined by more than 50% This summer has been very wet in most of the west, and there … Continue reading
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Thanks, Arnie
Californians already pay the nation’s second highest gas tax at 68 cents a gallon — and now it will go up again in January to pay for a first-in-the-nation climate change law. When gas prices go up, motorists typically blame … Continue reading
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When Did Environmentalists Quit Caring About The Environment?
This is the Citarum River in Indonesia This is CO2 being emitted from the Buckeye coal fired power plant in Colorado Which one do green focus on? They focus on the invisible non-pollutant, instead of the actual critical pollution problem.
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Build It, And They Will Come
What goes around, comes around. I was riding my bicycle back from the gym tonight and saw a White Tail doe and her two small fawns (a new group I hadn’t seen before) wanting to cross the road. I stopped about … Continue reading
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