80 Years Ago : “Acts Of God Ravaged The Four Corners Of The Globe”

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02 Feb 1935 – DISASTERS OF 1934 REVIEWEL Millions Were Rendere…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to 80 Years Ago : “Acts Of God Ravaged The Four Corners Of The Globe”

  1. Billy Liar says:

    There must have been a severe bout of climate disruption at the time. It’s gonna be hard to beat!

    • tom0mason says:

      Maybe the malthusian Dr. Arntzen, who was already working a biotech vaccine for Ebola and said: “Has anybody seen ‘Contagion’? That’s the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus… 25 percent of the population is supposed to go in Contagion.” should go and help Dr Oliver Johnson* and colleges.

      *More on Dr Oliver Johnson treating ebola patients in Sierra Leone at –

      • kim2ooo says:

        Yeah, He [ Dr. Arntzen ] sure instills trust. 🙁

        • Gail Combs says:


          So WHO gets the real vaccine and who gets the placebo?

          These quotes (H/T to Jimbo) do not inspire confidence in the US government (or their puppet masters)

          “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” – Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation He is the Senator who colludes with Hansen to schedule Global Warming testimony on the historically hottest day in June before the 1988 hearing and to sneak into the building and shut off the A/C and open the windows so the TV equipment was sure to overwhelm the A/C when the hearing were heard. (Wirth describing his bag of dirty tricks to PBS)

          “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation that then employed Wirth. (Such a great way to ‘legally’ pay Wirth for betraying the people of the USA.)

          “A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” – Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies and co-author with Obama’s Science Czar of the book Ecoscience among others. See Zombietime for some eye opening excerpts.

          “Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” – Maurice King, Professor of Public Health at Leeds

          EIR January 7, 1994

          Dr. Maurice King, Professor of Public Health at Leeds University in England, was interviewed by Christine Bierre at the Dec. 7-8 conference in Paris on population growth organized by the association “Equilibrium and Population.”A malthusian, King became notorious after authoring an article in the British medical journal The Lancet, which called for an end to vaccination of children in the Third World. In this interview, first published in the French biweekly Nouvelle Solidarite, King outlines his concept of “entrapment,” which· defines a nation having arrivedthrough overpopulation at a point of no return. He once again underlines positively the role epidemics might have in “disentrapping” nations. But for King, AIDS will not be enough to end “entrapment” -the latest insanity coming from demographers is that since only l out of 3 or 4 babies born to HIV-positive women actually becomes infected with ­the virus (not lout of2 as had been expected), the effect of this deadly disease will be “too little” to reduce population growth to zero, i.e., 2.1 children per couple…

          link I really hate using a site considered a wack job but it lead to this 2006 Lancet article: Looking into the Malthusian abyss by Maurice King and Elizabeth Yi Wang

          John Cleland and Steven Sinding (Nov 26, p 1899)1 are to be congratulated on becoming neo-Malthusian, but they don’t go far enough.

          The conventional wisdom assumes that, as development takes place, birth rates will fall to match death rates, so that populations will eventually stabilise. Unfortunately, the conventional wisdom takes no account of time, and forgets that, while this is supposed to be happening, rapidly growing populations may be exceeding the carrying capacity of their ecosystems, they may have no new land to go to, and they may be failing to develop adequate economic links with the rest of the world. The end result of all this is the direst poverty, starvation, and violence. Malthus did not have a name for this predicament, but Liebenstein did: demographic entrapment……

          So yes, the Malthusian ideas are still alive and well.

        • kim2ooo says:

          Gail Combs says:

          August 11, 2014 at 2:07 pm


          So WHO gets the real vaccine and who gets the placebo?

          Have no fear…. the Obamacare IRS will decide. 🙁

          Thank you for the links… you always have great ones.

        • tom0mason says:

          One side of the last phone conversation with the hospital…

          “No worries, tests were negative. Dr. Arntzen’s note says it’s just flu.”
          “What was that?…. …No Dr. Arntzen is now on vacation.”
          “Yes, hunting in Canada, no phones, log cabin miles from anyone.”

        • kim2ooo says:

          “One side of the last phone conversation with the hospital…”

          Prolly a lot of truth in that. 🙁

          I watched a movie over the weekend called “2012”…

          Soldiers were protecting elitists – from their own families, for a place on one of the “arks”.

  2. pyroimancer76 says:

    In addition to mocking and exposing the criminal fraud of the warmistas, I would like to see equal energy (not Steven-Tony’s — you are already doing plenty!!) to protecting human societies from the inevitable recurrences of extreme drought, whether from heat or cold. There is nothing worse. We can walk away from growing ice sheets (maybe even learn to tame them in some way) and learn to share the middle areas of our planet and learn to grow crops in ingenious ways if we are at the end of our interglacial. But there is no antidote to drought except cleaning, storing, transporting water long, long distances. Technology makes that very, very possible today if humans can get their minds behind the project and away from “supporting” warmista elites in the style to which they have become accustomed and for which they intend to tax us into poverty.

    In a way similar to the Japanese who have built with massive, inevitable earthquakes in mind, Americans can learn to desalinate water inexpensively (Israeli example) for all coastal areas. For the broad reaches of desert and fruited plain, we could design a system of both water transport and flood control. During floods we could refill underground aquifers.

    The historical realities of drought that Real Science excavates from historical archives frighten me more than most other natural realities. I hope to see some political campaigns with some realistic plans for the future.

    • Gail Combs says:

      The fact that the USA got rid of our grain reserves twenty years ago and went to a world wide “Just-in Time” should scare the crap out of anyone who is sane. link to old comment on subject.

      When I mentioned the removal of our grain reserves over at WUWT, one of the people out in the Midwest said I was correct. The US strategic grain silos have been completely removed. They used to line the roads.

      At the very least California and Texas should have nuclear plants with desalinization and Arizona in cooperation with Mexico should also have them. Instead of diverting water from the Rockies to Californicate it should go inland instead.

      It is really sad. WE HAVE the technology to make the world bloom and turn deserts into gardens as the Israeli’s have done but instead the time, money and effort is wasted on comming up with ways to convince people that poverty and slave collars are the ‘Politically Correct’ wave of the future.

      Isreal’s Agricultural Innovation video

      (I can not run vid on the Mammoth (my computer) so tell me if the vid is useful.)

      • kim2ooo says:

        Great UTUBE… Thanks!

      • cdquarles says:

        Fat folk out in the countryside would survive where the city dwellers wouldn’t. No grain reserve plus no transportation means dead cities (you can’t eat all of the grain … what are you going to plant next year?). The anti-auto movement has successfully made it impossible to evacuate a city, any city, quickly. No, you say I’m wrong? Ever seen the Gulf Coast try to evacuate from a hurricane with days of warning? Think NYC could do any better (they’ve been hit by real hurricanes in the past and no Sandy was not a hurricane when it hit NJ, it was a hybrid Nor’easter by then)?

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