80 Years Ago : Thousands Of Cattle Shot A Day To End Their Suffering

Eighty years ago, the US was experiencing its worst drought in history. Eighty percent of the country was in drought, and tens of thousands of cattle were being shot to end their suffering.

ScreenHunter_1826 Aug. 09 21.28



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 80 Years Ago : Thousands Of Cattle Shot A Day To End Their Suffering

  1. Chompville says:

    History is hard to erase, thankfully 😉

    • Gail Combs says:

      They are working on it. Actually some want to start controlling the internet via tax.

      The House Just Voted to Ban Internet Taxes—Forever
      With bipartisan support, the lower chamber passed a bill to keep Web access permanently off-limits from government taxes.

      July 16, 2014

      ….The Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act is an attempt by Congress to definitively bar government from taxing users for Internet access or levying discriminatory Internet-specific taxes on things like email or bandwidth. It is separate from a controversial effort brewing in Washington to create a tax on Internet sales, which has drawn sizable opposition from online retailers like eBay….

      Although backed by a wide swath of Internet freedom and antitax coalitions, the bill is not without its detractors. Last week, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released a report harshly indicting the “harmful” legislation, which it calculated would cost states up to $7 billion in potential annual revenue. The seven states that currently have taxes on Internet access would collectively lose an estimated $500 million in annual revenue, the report added….

      “Studies show that there is no difference in the rates of household Internet access between states that tax Internet access and those states that do not tax Internet access,” Conyers added. “In other words, there is no evidence that making [this bill] permanent will encourage people who do not currently subscribed to high-speed Internet access services to begin doing so.”…

      Jan. 9, 2012 ‘Internet Censorship’? “…The first item currently on the U.S. Senate’s agenda for 2012 pits Hollywood against Silicon Valley. It is a procedural vote on PIPA — a bill originally called the Protect IP Act….”

    • tom0mason says:

      In Europe may state have inacted tight security rules on ‘data protection’ within their state. Britain just rush through new ‘data protection’ legislation that makes all ISP and mobile phone operator hold large amounts of data on their users and copies of their communications. It’s state security so rules for court orders, oversight etc. are less than transparent.
      On top of individual states laws, there are also EU wide laws. The EU has may laws on ‘data protection’ but has just tightened rules on digital copyright – great. But that means states could use the same copyright laws to turn off any source of information at any time. But we are told there are safeguards to restrain states from that – right.

      ‘Member States shall ensure that rightholders are in a position to apply for an injunction against intermediaries whose services are used by a third party to infringe a copyright or related right.’

      That wouldn’t be misused would it?
      If you really what to sleep read the http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2001:167:0010:0019:EN:PDF .

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