Another Great Triumph For Climate Science

Scientists have very carefully measured billions of atom bombs of missing heat in the deep Pacific Ocean, but have just discovered it is actually in the Atlantic Ocean, not the Pacific.

ScreenHunter_2205 Aug. 22 22.54 Global warming slowdown answer lies in depths of Atlantic, study finds | Environment | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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29 Responses to Another Great Triumph For Climate Science

  1. tom0mason says:

    They are running scared for they know continuous warming MUST be shown. Hence all the adjustments. Adjustment and flakey article on MSM are to ensure warming is seen by the sheeple, so that CO2 is demonized – for without the CO2 part the UN-IPCC has nothing.

    So proof that since 2000 no warming has happen alarms the IPCC and all the grant trough feeders -no warming, no CO2 to blame, no money!

    That is all this flakey story is about, keep the sheeple focused.

  2. Shazaam says:

    You have just got to love this “settled science”….

    I wonder what the new theory will be next week…..

    • tom0mason says:

      Big Al should be reminded –

      Al Gore in his infamous 2007 US Congressional appearance said:
      “The debate is over. The science is settled.”

      And has been quote by leaders to their sheeple the world over.

    • Tel says:

      But the science is settled… they always give the same answer.

      Question might change from time to time, nothing to worry about.

  3. James the Elder says:

    Educate me. Back in the days when I fished farm ponds, around October the ponds would flip the water; surface water sinks because it is now colder, and the bottom water rose to the top. No way the warm water could stay in the depths. Do the oceans have a similar mechanism? If so, I would think the heat couldn’t hide.

    • Oceans are salt water. As the surface evaporates and water gets more saline, it also becomes more dense.

      • B. A. Stockwell says:

        Of course, the oceans flip or oscillate, but over a much longer time scale. The Pacific Decadal oscillation seems to be about thirty years. The Atlantic Multidecadal and North Atlantic is different, but it still happens just like with ponds and lakes. Warmer water rises, and I am guessing the saline content has an effect also.

      • Douglas Hoyt says:

        If more evaporation is occurring, that means it is less cloudy and more sunlight is warming the water, which then sinks. This so-called missing heat is not coming from changes in CO2.

      • Olaf Koenders says:

        Until it rains..

        In any case, none of the warmist “experts” can explain how the heat magically migrated to the depths without being detected on the surface first by a multitude of satellites and thousands of ARGO floats.

        But just in the Atlantic alone? Is the Atlantic the only ocean facing the Sun now? Pull the other one. Water has the same properties regardless the hemisphere or time zone. Their target audience appears to be those that would wax lyrical of vinegar if it were bottled and labelled Châteu Aceté über Naïve Blanc..

      • stpaulchuck says:

        apparently their paper is based on this saline differential causing a downwelling of ‘hot’ water into the “depths”. Yet my observation is that it will stop moving down when it comes against the colder mass of the lower layers and cause mixing at measurable depths, not just at two miles down. It cannot sink like a rock to the bottom and just give up its heat there.

        Yet, no measurements are presented for any depth below 300 meters once again presenting a theory as ‘fact’ based on made up numbers and outright guesses.

        do any of you have a hand on measured Atlantic temperatures below 300 meters? like down to 3,000 meters or even 2,000 meters? with a history?

        • tom0mason says:

          IMO the mass of saline going down would be in a structure not that disimilar from a cloud of warm damp air rising through the surrounding cold air.
          A sort of inverted Cumulonimbus clouds of warm salty water dissipating into the watery cold surroundings. I cannot imagine it reaching 2 mile depths unmixed, that sounds like wishful thinking to me.

      • RMB says:

        This cannot happen. Heat in the atmosphere does not in any way affect the ocean because of surface tension. Try heating the surface of water in a bucket using a heat gun and good luck.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    These climate twits must be fans of Where’s Wally. Then again the majority of people have the attention span of a goldfish, so they get away with it more often than not.

  5. Cheshirered says:

    My comment btl of the above article pointing out that AGW theory is dying right in front of our eyes ‘due to actual observations’ was standing for 2 days and had dozens of recommends. Sacrilege!
    It has now been ‘corrected’ (ie deleted) and like a naughty schoolboy I’m back onto pre-moderation. But I’ve had enough of their games and won’t be going back.
    Comment Is Free my ar$e.
    Alarmists are constantly moving the goalposts due to observations repeatedly falsifying their beloved theory.
    Sites like Real Science are causing them untold pain by revealing the truth that the like of The Guardian do not want people to know.
    They’re facing abject humiliation and they know it.

  6. geran says:

    That “tricky” heat! It knows how to move around so that no one can find it. They thought they found it in the Pacific, but it quickly moved to the Atlantic. Being so smart it has probably already moved again, to an undisclosed location.

    It not only can hide in oceans, it can also hide in the polar sea ice, without causing any melting! Heat is so smart, it can even fool thermometers. It can even fool your senses. Right now, you are probably thinking your room is at a comfortable temperature, but nooooo, there are likely “Hiroshimas” of heat hiding right under your chair!

    (It’s called “climate science”, and our taxes are paying for it, and some folks are so brain-dead they actually believe it.)

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      It’s not just “heat” – it’s AGW heat, called temperature. I’ve seen people say that they’re not the same. It must be really special.. 😉

  7. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    The whales are moving the heat around so it can’t be found

  8. stpaulchuck says:

    the actual paper is pay-per-view so I can’t read the source, but as far as I can tell from various extracts and other articles this is ALL supported by measurements of 300 meters or less in an ocean that is some 3,500 meters deep. They can tell the heat content of the deep ocean layers from 10% of the surface. Yeah. Sure.

  9. Bob Knows says:

    Left wingnut faux “science” discovers a new scientific principle: warm water sinks in cold water. Noting is to stupid for a brain dead zombie liberal.

  10. Boston MIke says:

    They’ve finally proved the laws of entropy and enthalpy are not universal! Thank the gods for global warming scientists and their leading edge research into new modes of the natural order. I can’t wait for it to flip in 5 years, it’ll be like Y2K again – hold onto your assets!

  11. nielszoo says:

    The bits of this “groundbreaking” paper I have seen point to some really incredible historical discoveries. They have managed to “unearth” temperature trend data from 2,000m in the Atlantic ocean starting in 1945. I seriously doubt that thermocline data 1,500m deeper than the crush depth for submersibles of that era was taken until the 1950’s when they started pushing SONAR to it’s limits during the Cold War, but I could be wrong there. They also purport to have identified 40 to 70 year cycles of the “hot salty water sinking to 2,000m but not losing any heat on the way there” meme from English records going back for centuries and have found other records that say it has been happening for millennia. What am I missing here? Was Jacques Cousteau a whole lot older than I thought he was? Did Leonardo da Vinci invent some instrumentation packages for the bathypelagic we don’t know about? Who was measuring salinity and 2,000m temperature trends in the Atlantic at the end of the Middle Ages? I can’t wait to see what proxies they’re going to drag out to prove this… ought to be really good.

  12. HL Mencken says:

    I fully expect another group of intrepid oceanographers to come forward
    next week with conclusive proof that the lost heat is hiding at the bottom
    of Walden Pond.
    HL Mencken

  13. darrylb says:

    That study says that actually half of the hiatus is due to happenings in the Atlantic and half is due to the fact that the predicted warming was off by a factor of two.
    There are now over 30 excuses, many of which have been debunked. However, I did see one excuse was that the models were in fact completely wrong— so really I guess that is not an excuse but an admittance.

  14. gregole says:

    Who needs actual measurements – those are so pre post-normal science. Get with it. We know that the Man-Made CO2 is choking the atmosphere, trapping Hiroshimas of heat, frustrated heat that CANNOT escape and must go somewhere. And somewhere it must go… deep, deep, down the abyss, undetectable, but; we know it’s there. Like cosmology summons the concept of dark energy to square their circles:

    So must climate-science call upon the dark forces to resolve their failure to produce real warming catastrophe – they must call upon the infinite power of Dark Heat.

    A heat so Man-Made, a heat so intense, invisible, unmeasurable, insidious, squirming past all sensors, lurking, thriving, beneath the peaceful, serene waves of the Atlantic!

    Just. Wait. It will emerge someday!

    And the Dark Heat will arise…Arise from the abyss; with a furious vengeance wrecking it’s nasty heatiness on a scornful, wasteful, not-recycling-enough Mankind. Making the world hot, hot, hot!

    Imagine, grapes growing in Scotland! They’ll make wine! Don’t Scots already drink enough whiskey? Imagine a warmer world – with more booze. HORROR!

    There is nothing we can do. It is too late. We have already passed 350 parts per million. The safe limit. From here on out, it’s loaded dice. All things being equal.

  15. DedaEda says:

    Don’t you guys know about the Maxwell’s devils? The Atlantic is full of them and all they do is push the more energetic molecules to the depths of the ocean. Problem solved!

  16. Herve D says:

    “Missing heat” is not in Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, but is the Ocean of Storms and Sea of Serenity.
    Or, perhaps special trade winds modifications (of course Global Warming induced) forced hot air to enter via volcanos chimneys’ deep into Earth mantle. In some years it will come back with terrific effects….

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