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Arctic Basin Sea Ice extent is normal. 4 weeks and counting……….Al Gore said it will disappear.
I have popcorn. It’s like watching a David Copperfield show. How will he do it?
What’s that link supposed to prove Andy? And where and when did Gore say that?
Audio or video please. Not just a Joseph Romm article as per Serreze!
Gore was quoting these predicitions…
In this speech (paragraph 13, I believe)
And since that speech was in 2007, it makes the 7 yr comment 2014, not 2013 as is often said.
Feel free to listen to what Maslowski was actually saying around that time:
Jonathan Amos’s interpretation doesn’t count, any more than Joe Romm’s. Since when was Al Gore a climate scientist? Should his interpretation count for anything?
“Since when was Al Gore a climate scientist? Should his interpretation count for anything?”
An inconvenient truth that so many have taken way too long to comprehend.
Links Jim. We need bios on Serreze and Joseph Romm, or they never happened.
Right…you ask for links as to where it comes from, well you got them.
Too bad you don’t like what they say. That’s your problem.
It doesn’t matter if Al is a ‘climate scientist’ or not, he is the one the media turn to and splash his face all over everything. He is the ‘evangelist of warm’, so if he said it, it must be true. Because Al WASN’T going to the ‘source’ material, but what was ‘said’ about it…which, according to what you provided, was AFTER Gore’s Nobel speech, anyway. Gore’s speech was in December of 2007 (so was the BBC article)…your link to what Maslowski ‘actually’ said is sometime in 2008 (no more exact date on that?).
So, how could they be quoting (and misinterpreting Maslowski) months before he said ‘if’?
According to your link Gore said “One study estimated that it COULD be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it COULD happen in as little as 7 years”.
“It could happen” is not the same thing as “it will happen”
Maslowski said “IF this trend persists the Arctic Ocean will become ice-free by AROUND 2013”
“Around” is not the same thing as “”.
“If this trend persists” is not the same thing as “” either.
I am assuming Maslowski used the same set of slides for months on end. If you can find any evidence to the contrary I’d love to see it.
And the point is…the ‘science’ behind WHEN doesn’t matter, when the MEDIA converts ‘possibilities’ into ‘certainties’. And until now, nobody on the ‘Team’ was really concerned about the fact that these were uncertain ‘guesstimates’ and tried to correct the media generated impression of certainty.
In order to hit that 1million km2 it needs to lose about .75 million km2/week (extent…about .5 million for area or so…these are just ‘eyeball’ figures, not checking the actual numbers right now) for the next 6 weeks or so. That means it needs to speed up about 3x to 4x its current melt rate. So it’s not happening this year…
Jim, so you are basically saying that he voted for Arctic ice disappearing before he voted against it. I’m sold, the science is settled.
Or as the climate scientists say, “tenth lowest”.
2006 on DMI 30%! Need I say more? If so:
ok jim, from the arctic sea ice forum i gather you believe the ice will disapper altogether one summer in the reasonably near future.
here is a chance to show how strongly you believe that. i will bet my house against your house the arctic will not be ice free anytime between now and 2020 ? how about it ?
so far i have only found one person with enough conviction to have a small bet around $160 ,let us see how strong you believe in climate science jim .
ps,could you let that utter fool frivolousz21 on the arctic sea ice forum know tht all the OMG weather model predictions he keeps posting mean jack shit when the daily average temperature in the arctic at the level it actually matters ( not 500mb gp height) have been running below the mean for the satellite era all melt season.
he actually goes beyond alarism into delusional moron territory.
I don’t know how old “friv” is, but I too wish he would grow up.
Unfortunately I don’t have a house. I like to stay mobile.
I might possibly be tempted to a modest wager if all the proceeds went to charity, but 2020 is on the tight side. At the end of the day it all depends on the precise definition of “ice free”, and of course on the weather!
Mark and Julienne told me that their definition of “ice free” would be less than 1 million sq/kl…..the size of Egypt…when I told them it’s the size of Egypt….they didn’t want to talk about it any more
Well 1 mio seems to be the industry standard these days. What do you reckon Chilly?
1 million sq/km = Egypt
…. like Hillary saying they are dead broke
i can do the charity wager ,have two running already ,one out to 2025 . i would do mobile instead of a house if it was solely my choice, a disabled elder family member precludes that choice at the moment.
yep, 1 million km2 works for me . $100 , my charity is
I meant that I rent houses! We’ll have to tighten up the specification a lot before I shake on it, but in the meantime pick your favourite out of these three charities:
Now, which metric shall we agree on? All of which reminds me of something that I almost forgot. CT area is now below 2013, and will decline another 180 k or so over the next two days.
“Highest in a decade”? The data says otherwise, both area and extent.
Maybe you should start shopping for Jet-skis, eh “Mister” Hunt?
What a brilliant idea Stark! I wish I’d thought of that 🙁
you decide the charity jim,you will know them better than i . pretty sure you could pick the metric too and i would be happy with it.
Is this what the Arctic “death spiral” looks like? Where is Mark Serreze when you need him most?
Evidently, this is what a death spiral looks like :
Hey Steve, got time to update your chart ?