Arkansas Having Their Coolest Summer On Record

During the summer of 1934, almost every afternoon in Arkansas was over 90 degrees, but this year has been just over 20% – the lowest on record. The frequency of hot days in Arkansas has declined sharply over the past 80 years.

ScreenHunter_2018 Aug. 17 07.31

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Arkansas Having Their Coolest Summer On Record

  1. Andy DC says:

    A very remarkable cool summer after a very remarkable cold winter.

  2. ralphcramdo says:

    I’ve yet to see an 80 degree morning at almost halfway through the summer. I don’t remember ever not seeing that in central Florida.

  3. Ed Martin says:

    Our hummingbirds have pretty much all left out for warmer destinations already.
    Spent this summer getting my home in better shape to survive climate change to the cold side. More insulation, insulated water lines, house wrapped, new siding, doors and heat/ac. There are homes in this area that haven’t had a water pipe freeze in over forty years that froze up this last winter.
    A ski resort might be a good investment nearby say Branson or reopen the one at Dogpatch! Seriously

    Ice age plant & critter relics (fens house Riddell’s goldenrod, Goldies fern, wood frogs) are now looking very prosperous where I live and the desert plant relics (yucca, cactus) look a might pekish.

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