Climate Experts Say That Humans Are Evil And Ants Are Good

ScreenHunter_1644 Aug. 04 04.34

Can ants save Earth from global warming? – The Times of India

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Climate Experts Say That Humans Are Evil And Ants Are Good

  1. Andy Oz says:

    “One of Dorn’s present projects examines how desert mountain ranges influence the global carbon cycle by capturing carbon. Dorn’s work on the global carbon cycle also studies ants as a player in carbon dioxide sequestration because of their role enhancing the dissolution of calcium-silicate minerals.”

    Awesome – Ants will save the world from CO2. Disney will make a movie about it.

  2. tom0mason says:


    I have heard many things said in the name of climate but this is the bightest load of pre-fossilized coprolite I have ever seen.

  3. A C Osborn says:

    He should try looking Termites instead.

  4. mjc says:

    Studying Global Warming causes stupidity…
    In a recent studity, by noted ant scientists, it has been determined that the long term effects of studying global warming are causing massive amounts of stupity, among humans.

    One of the lead scientists stated, “At this rate, humans will be dumb enough for us ants to conquer in about two more years.”

  5. annieoakley says:

    Just when you think you have heard it all…Ants for crying out loud! Ants? Who comes up with this stupidity?

  6. Joseph Kool says:

    What is this? A learning center for ants?

  7. Steve Keohane says:

    Be interesting to see if ant’s respiration, emitting polluting CO2, is even offset by the above mentioned sequestering process, considering only certain ants ‘sequester’, but they all respire.

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