Last weekend I was walking across Constitution Avenue between The Washington Monument And The White House. I found somebody’s wallet in the crosswalk, and after looking through it for ID, realized that it was probably a guy I had seen over at the Lincoln Memorial. He was very distinctive, because he was black and had six or seven little white and Hispanic kids with him. I had recently seen him again walking with the group towards the White House and looked for him but couldn’t find him because it was dark.
It was late, and I needed to get home – so I approached a DC cop while holding the wallet. For a second, I thought the cop was going to shoot me. I calmed him down, and finally he directed me towards the park police. I turned over the wallet to them, and about 30 seconds later saw the owner running frantically to the Park Police asking if anyone had turned in a wallet.
Good thing he didn’t run towards the DC Police.
If the DC cop had tried to shoot you, you would probably have been safe. They are notorious for firing sixteen rounds and only hitting the intended target once, if at all. That is one of the reasons they seem to be so trigger happy.
If NYC’s finest is any indicator, the COP is lucky that he didn’t fire because he would of only hit himself or else one of the guy’s children.
You’re lucky they can’t read.
Packing a 3 digit IQ in DC sets off a cops 6th sense….
If you would have been shot it would not have been CNN news if it had been the other guy Obambi would have had another son.
Most UK police are unarmed (fortunately) but when they are bad things happen.
The best definition of Washington DC if heard. “Washington DC is 63.8 square miles surrounded by reality.”
Disney world is 2/3 the size of DC and 10x the ‘reality’ of it…
Darn it guys, now I have to clean off my monitor again.
You’re lucky he didn’t reach for his tazer and pull a gun instead.
You’re lucky you weren’t shot on sight. The cop was “frightened’ and “fared for his life.” He “thought you were holding a gun.”
It would not surprise me that soon, removing anything at all from your pocket in front of a cop without first being requested to do so, will be considered a hostile act.
That is a major concern for anyone being asked to show a drivers license after a traffic stop. You had better explain what you are going to do, Make sure the cop understands what you are going to do and then move very slowly.
I hate purses so mine is stuffed under a bunch of junk behind the seat of my pick-up. If I get stopped it is going to look like a Marx brothers routine.
Let me guess, a big chunky monkey with a shaved head, low self esteem, a poor education, a very, very short fuse and a badly beaten up ex-wife who is terrified of him..
Are all US cops taking those dangerous psychoactive steroids?
There is a darn good chance a white DC or Maryland cop was on “…drugs [that] can induce akathisia – mental and physical agitation that sparks self-destructive, violent behavior…” One study showed ~15% of white boys before 1999 were on Ritalin at age 7 to 9. They would now be in their twenties.
The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice
ADHD among American Schoolchildren: Evidence of Overdiagnosis and Overuse of Medication
The American Psychiatric Association’s lists the criteria of ADHD diagnosis as follows: Warning signs include disorganization, forgetfulness, impulsive behavior, being easily distracted, and being fidgety or disruptive in class In other words being a typical little boy.
The CDC goes on to say: ” The long-term dangers of Ritalin remain something of a mystery, but the short-term effects are well-known, ranging from anxiety, insomnia, and weight loss to seizures and, in rare cases, sudden death. Considering that some children as young as preschool age are taking the medicine, there is substantial concern regarding its effects. “
Violence in Schools? It’s the Prozac and Ritalin Stupid!
By: Lawrence Wilson, MD
Edited by: William Wong ND, Ph.D., Member World Sports Medicine Hall of Fame.