Life In Paradise

I live on the edge of a forest full of verdant vegetation and wildlife, and always spend at least two hours a day in the forest walking the dogs and cycling. Right now it is full of ripe blackberries. I never get in my car except to commute to work, because I have bike trails through forest to get to the store, gym and pubs.

The climate of Maryland is almost perfect – a few hours of heavy rain per week and rest of the time is fantastic outdoors weather. I have lived in Maryland every month except for April, and have never used heat or air conditioning in my apartment.

When I hear progressives claiming the climate is falling apart, all I can think of is that these people are completely insane. Columbia, Maryland is full of progressives, but fortunately I am about the only white person in my part of town – so I never have to deal with neurotic white folks. My neighbors all celebrate life, they cook and eat and get together with family – and none of them think they are supposed to save the planet.

Climate alarmist is a poison apple of corrupted knowledge. Humans were never intended to play God.

ScreenHunter_1554 Aug. 02 11.30

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Life In Paradise

  1. Vince says:


  2. genser95 says:

    Personal preferences about heat/AC aside, it’s totally true. Median high temperatures range from 41 to 87, a pretty livable range. Rain is generally plentiful; every once in a while there’s a big fun snowstorm! Been living here 41 years and still waiting for all this to become catastrophic. Sure doesn’t seem like it’s going that way!

  3. darrylb says:

    Tony, is that you covering it all up with a twig? 🙂

  4. gregole says:


    MD sounds awesome! There is nothing like spending time outdoors, everyday for at least a little while, and overnighting it as often as possible. You learn a lot by just observing and remembering. I notice things like certain types of plants / weeds will appear and disappear with regularity; some types of plants naturally, persist. Insect types come and go. For example, I have not heard near as many cicadas this summer as in the past.

    And the weather. You notice it over time changing. You don’t have to be an aboriginal tribesman, or shamanistic-elder or something – I’m just a white guy, to observe and feel nature’s heartbeat.

    Arizona has not been getting hotter. It just hasn’t been getting hotter. This summer has been mild. Very, very mild so far. Yesterday and today it did not get over 98 degrees F. Monsoon is in, so I’m headed out to west of Gila Bend to overnight it and watch for storms. If it clears up, Sunday morning will be an awesome time at this locale to see the ISS flyover.

  5. Robert Kearns says:

    I have lived in Maryland every month except for April, and have never used heat or air conditioning in my apartment. Is your apartment complex vacant? My daughter lives there too and although its a little more temperate than NJ still can get very cold and the summer heat there and in Baltimore and DC can be downright oppressive.

    Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 15:33:58 +0000 To: [email protected]

  6. mjc says:

    I’ll take my chunk of ‘almost Heaven’* over your chunk of Paradise…there’s a lot less sheeple around here.

    *Weather is about the same..and yeah, the blackberries are starting to ripen here, too.

  7. timg56 says:

    When did you move to Maryland?

    I grew up there and my dad and one of my brothers still live there. I loved it. Politically it is pretty much a People’s Republic. I don’t miss that.

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