New Common Core Video

No dark sarcasm in the classroom – hey – Al Gore – leave them kids alone.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to New Common Core Video

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    From Master Resource:

    Speaking of leaving the kids alone, here’s one of the Chicken Little Brigade blow up hits:

    • Jason Calley says:

      Oh… The 10:10 video of CAGW alarmists murdering the children…. How on earth did they think that that was a good idea?! They seemed absolutely mystified that no one but themselves saw the humor in murdering children. I even read a few comments from the 10:10 crowd to the effect of “they must not be sophisticated enough to understand humor.”

  2. Shazaam says:

    Here’s a better Common Core speech:

    I expect that one will get yanked at some point in time. Hits a bit close to home.

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