North Carolina is having their coldest August on record by a wide margin – so far.
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Wow. That’s extreme.
Seeing this kind of post makes me think it’s about time I started playing around with your code.
By the time the charts are printed and distributed to the climate manipulators, that will be a heat wave….
Over at WUWT,
there is a lot of commentary about a 2011 paper that shows the amount of infrared radiation coming to earth has reduced over the last 14 years, in contrast to CAGW theory which says it should be increasing. The data is from Oklahoma. If the IR is reducing, then temperatures should be reducing too. You are the person to show us which is correct, lets say, using an average of Oklahoma stations (or nearby stations) over the same period.
MEGA drop. Kind of like the drop in temps that Drudge was headlining in Death Valley. A couple of days ago the high was 89°F in Death Valley. That doesn’t sound too cold, right? But remember, this is mid-summer in Death Valley, which holds the global temperature record of 134°F. On Sunday it was 30° below the norm, and a full 15° below the previous record low of 104° for the high temperature for that date.
The hottest day ever, worldwide, was in Death Valley, in 1913. Now we’ve had purportedly a century of runaway hockey stick warming, and that 1913 record should have been broken over and over again as the world got hotter and hotter. But we got… crickets. Just nothing as far as that record being broken. But wait, instead we have the record for the coldest high temp ever for the date in Death Valley being broken by 15°F. Unbelievable.
You wait, it’ll be a broken thermometer and the temperature will be adjustment by about +40’F
Yeah, only problem for them is that people in the region know how damn cold it was last weekend, and it still is cold. I’m in Big Bear Lake in the socal mountains, and it was cold and rainy, I was even running the heater. It got down into the low 40s, any colder and it could have snowed. Snow in August! Lol.
Was Al Gore up there??
and Antarctica got the 2 coldest temperatures ever measured on Earth in the last 4 years,
The coldest temperature ever in the NH in Siberia, in the winter of 2013,
is usually dismissed as internet gossip.
And in Australia –
“Canberra has recorded its coldest August night in two decades, with the mercury dropping below -7 degrees Celsius.”
Must be global warming.
Hey! We are supposed to get a 90 degree day today! So that proves global alarmism – one out of 31 aint bad!
We only got 89 °F as the high so far and the rest of the forecast is as low as 76 °F for a high…. This is AUGUST? in the
SUNNYSOGGY South?Yay! We have had a week of summer, though the humidity is still a bit lower than average. Hot & Hazy, not very Humid, though a little upper-level system is supposed to spin up something in the lower levels and pull in some good ol’ Gulf moisture. We need it some. July was dry at the house. Spots around us had some rain, but we did not get any the last couple of fronts.
Well here in central South America we’ve virtually had no winter really as far as temps go. Ironically the growth in Antarctica may be somehow preventing “pinpointed” extreme cold air masses reaching us. On COLA it appears that the cold mass is in fact larger but there are less “forks” of cold air reaching north..On the other hand, its probably more likely that just large strong persistent highs off Brazil are preventing the cold air from penetrating north.
We here in NC were trying to keep this a secret so that the AGW folks wouldn’t stick their Voodoo pins in a map of the state and push our temps back up to normal highs.
If they do, just invite algore over. That counters their voodoo.
Hi Richard – Just a heads-up. Dr William ‘Will’ Harper, Physics Professor at Princeton will be giving a talk; ‘Why There Has Been No Global Warming For The Past Decade’ September 8 at UNC Chapel Hill Physics Department. Alarmists have already attempted to have him disinvited. Dr Harper is asking all ‘real scientists’ to show up to….as Dr Harper puts it; “….help defend me from any global warming fanatics who have been rallied to cause trouble.”
If you could spread the word around, I would greatly appreciate your efforts…
You might remember Dr Harper from the news –
Oh, goodie, it is a Monday. We will put it on the Calender.
Has it been canceled? There are no future events listed at that website.
Sept 8
“Why has there been no global warming for the past decade?”
William Happer, Princeton University
The temperature of the Earth’s surface has not changed by more than 0.1C since the year 2000, and it may even have cooled slightly. Most computer models predicted that the increase of CO2, from about 370 to 400ppm during that period, should have caused a warming of around 0.3C. There are many possible reasons for the failure of the models, but one may be insufficient careful attention to important and often neglected details of how CO2 molecules really absorb and emit radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere. Some of the physics in question is related to early work by Princeton’s Robert Dicke on collisional line narrowing.
Please Note: Location change to 215 Phillips Hall
It’s hotter than ever in NC, Arkansas… And all the other 57 States Steven has plotted recently…. You guys just don’t know it yet….. 😉
What is happening there?! Looks like a “step change” of some sort, not normal trend.
Five days do not constitute either an entire month or a valid statistical sample. Steve, until the month is complete or at least nearly so, that graph is pure BS.
I consider it probable that the eastern US will be chillier than recently this summer, but jumping the gun like this isn’t helping.
You must have missed the “…so far” comment in the lede. I believe you have “jumping the gun” confused with ‘stating the facts’. I’ve read and reread the post several times and have yet to read where Tony stated; ‘Five days constitute either an entire month or a valid statistical sample’, as you implied. You are either presenting a straw man argument or my old eyes are starting to fail. Probably the latter….but I’ll leave that up to the individual reader.
Don’t be dense — people share that picture elsewhere (such as the WUWT Facebook group), sans the “…so far” text — because that’s how re-posting graphics works on the internet.
What’s wrong with using Mikey Mann or EAU style Statistics? Huff Po style ??
That aside… Record cold July’s and least 100 degree days in States throughout the country have previously been posted on here… Complete months. Amazing how some in the media claim the “Hottest July Ever”…. How is that possible!!