Obama’s Dream For America


In Obama’s America, the citizens are disarmed, the borders are left wide open, and tanks and machine guns are used to control American citizens.

ScreenHunter_2017 Aug. 17 07.22

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Obama’s Dream For America

  1. nigelf says:

    It’s not just Obama, it’s any NWO president and there are too many of those for my liking.

  2. gator69 says:

    More leftist mental illness. Police act stupidly, so give them more firepower.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    The Germans woke up in 1933 to find the Nazi party had taken over. After that, anyone who disagreed with their politics was sent off to the camps. Then there is communist China. Nobody disagrees with the party. This looks suspiciously similar and as always self inflicted if not demanded by the populace. Why would the outcome be any different?

  4. I get the disarm us and the tanks for them thing but where the fuck do the open borders fit? Possibly, with the first two who the hell would want to come here? The logic escapes me.

    • kuhnkat says:

      There are a LOT of Americans with guns who will defend their freedoms. The open borders is to overload everyone with the masses and the disease and terrorists so we can’t spend our time fighting the gubmint…

      Many will be broken and beg the gubmint to take their freedoms and provide them with security, which, we all know, will never happen.

  5. kirkmyers says:

    Instead of defending their much-discredited AGW theory, the alarmists have decided to demonize skeptics and “climate deniers.” It’s a very clever ploy that appears to be working, especially with the misinformed and uninformed. The warmists have changed the subject from global warming to climate change. Of course, no AGW skeptic has ever claimed that the climate doesn ‘t change (it’s been changing for 4.5 billion years). What we question is the absurd notion that increases in a trace greeenhouse gas can cause runaway global warming, something that never occured (according to ice core data) when CO2 levels were at 7,000 ppm.

    The alarmists are unable to question the observable temperature data (no warming in almost 18 years, according to the RSS dataset), so they are forced to resort to ad hominem attacks. Every climate model has been thoroughly discredited. And all the leading AGW alarmists can do is respond like angry children, shouting epithets at anyone who dares to question their sacred theory.

  6. eqibno says:

    I thought his dream (circa 2008) was to create green jobs with solar energy, just like Spain…oh yeah, right, bankruptcy, fraud and inefficiency….some dream, more like a nightmare.

  7. Ed Martin says:

    Shyt… they’re not buying it… think Tom… think… say something *

  8. Gamecock says:

    Sitting in the open on top of a truck with a machine gun shouts . . .


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