Monthly Archives: August 2014

US Having The Coolest Summer On Record

The frequency of 90 degree days in the US has been plummeting for 80 years, and is the lowest on record this summer Alarmists will try to complain that this trend is due to time of observation bias, but that argument … Continue reading

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August 15 Global Sea Ice Area Highest Since 1996

August 15 global sea ice area is the highest since 1996, and the sixth highest on record.

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Arctic Sea Ice Area Highest Since 2004

August 16 Arctic sea ice area is the highest in a decade, up 54% from two years ago, and within one standard deviation of the 1979-2014 mean. Green shows ice gain since August 16, 2012. Red shows loss.

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Arkansas Having Their Coolest Summer On Record

During the summer of 1934, almost every afternoon in Arkansas was over 90 degrees, but this year has been just over 20% – the lowest on record. The frequency of hot days in Arkansas has declined sharply over the past … Continue reading

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Obama’s Dream For America

[youtube=] In Obama’s America, the citizens are disarmed, the borders are left wide open, and tanks and machine guns are used to control American citizens.

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Changes In Arctic Ice Over The Last 10 Days

During the past 10 days, high pressure over the western Arctic has been compacting the ice. This pattern will continue for at least a few more days. Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

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Hot Days In The Midwest Are A Thing Of The Past

This year has seen the lowest frequency of hot days on record in the Midwest (MN, WI, IA, IL, IN, OH, MI)  Less than 4% of readings have been over 90 degrees, compared to more than 50% in 1934 and … Continue reading

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40th Anniversary Of CIA Warning About Global Cooling Induced Extreme Weather

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Learning To Think Like A Progressive

If you are progressive, you think that Rob Ford should be financially coerced out of office by the city council for drug abuse, and you also believe that it is felony for a governor to use veto power to force out … Continue reading

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Movement Of Old Thick Ice Into The Western Arctic Since 2012

The image below animates NSIDC’s ice age maps since mid-summer 2012, and shows how a huge mass of old, thick ice has moved into the western Arctic over the past two years. This puts Arctic alarmism on the endangered species or extinction list. … Continue reading

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