Monthly Archives: August 2014

NASA Has Nearly Doubled Post-1940 Global Warming – Through Post-2001 Data Tampering

My focus is normally on data tampering to the US temperature record, but our friends at NOAA and NASA have been equally busy tampering with the global temperature record. They did a huge amount of damage to global temperatures prior … Continue reading

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1988 Climate Disruption

On June 24, 1988 – after sabotaging the air conditioning, James Hansen told Congress: Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate New York Times Published: June 24, 1988 Dr. James E. Hansen of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration told … Continue reading

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“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”

John Muir said The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. I spend hours a day in the forests here in Maryland. Just spent an hour listening to the amazing chorus of Cicadas. This weekend has been … Continue reading

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Shock News : England July Temperatures Are Almost As Warm As During The American Revolution

 Monthly_HadCET_mean.txt, 1659 to date

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Understanding How To Think Like A Professional Data Tamperer And Propagandist

 In 1999, Hansen was concerned that the very high quality US temperature record showed 70 years of cooling, while his very low quality, cherry-picked, massively extrapolated global temperature record showed strong warming. Science Briefs Whither U.S. Climate? By James Hansen … August … Continue reading

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No Change In US July Temperatures Since 1895

There has been no change in US July temperatures since 1895, and this past July was more than 3C cooler than July, 1901.

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Massive Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Over The Past Two Years

Green shows the 56% increase in Arctic sea ice extent since the same date in 2012. Red shows ice loss

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Ice Extent Loss Over The Past Week

As the breathtakingly ignorant deranged blogger in residence predicted, high pressure in the western Arctic has been compacting the ice thus and reducing extent. Red shows ice extent loss, and green shows ice extent gain. Now compare (below) what happened during … Continue reading

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80 Years Ago : “Acts Of God Ravaged The Four Corners Of The Globe”

02 Feb 1935 – DISASTERS OF 1934 REVIEWEL Millions Were Rendere…

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80 Years Ago : 117 Degrees In The Midwest

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