Monthly Archives: August 2014

80 Years Ago, England Had Their Worst Drought In A Century

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80 Years Ago : Thousands Of Cattle Shot A Day To End Their Suffering

Eighty years ago, the US was experiencing its worst drought in history. Eighty percent of the country was in drought, and tens of thousands of cattle were being shot to end their suffering. 28 Jul 1934 – AMERICAN DROUGHT DESTRUCTION OF CATTLE … Continue reading

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80 Years Ago: Progressives Starving Millions Of People In The Ukraine

Progressives say that the Soviet Communists, just weren’t communist enough.

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Government Scientists Explain Sea Ice

The drop in sea ice area from 1979 to 2006 was caused by global warming melting the Arctic, and the rise back to 1979 levels since 2007 was also caused by global warming changing wind Antarctic patterns – and freshening … Continue reading

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“We Have Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself”

“We Have Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself” Franklin Roosevelt said that, and no truer words were ever spoken. Government controls people through fear, in order to convince them to give up their money and freedom. Here are a few examples: I … Continue reading

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Terrifying Statistics About Sea Ice

After 35 years of unprecedented melting, global sea ice area is the same as 35 years ago. Over the past 18 months, global sea ice area has been above normal 70% of the time, and is averaging 3,500 Manhattans above normal.

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August, 1934 Brought Almost 100% Crop Failure

 TimesMachine: August 13, 1934 –

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US Warming Since 1936

So far this August, 78% of the US has been below normal temperature, with the central part of the country 6-8 degrees below normal. MonthTDeptUS.png (688×531) During August 1936, almost 100% of the US was above normal temperature, with the central … Continue reading

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Environment Canada Engaging In Blatant Climate Denial

Nobel Prize winner Al Gore says the Arctic will be ice free in a few weeks, but Environment Canada shows both ends of the Northwest Passage blocked with ice. Ninety-seven percent of climate experts agree with Al Gore, so the … Continue reading

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Reality Proves 100% More Accurate Than Climate Models

Yesterday reached 80 degrees in Calrinda, Iowa – but 80 years ago in 1934, it was 34 degrees warmer at 114 degrees. August 8, 1934 was one of the hottest days in US history, with many midwestern stations over 110 degrees. … Continue reading

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