Monthly Archives: August 2014

Shock News : President Obama Has Absolutely No Clue What He Is Talking About

Obama says that droughts are getting more extreme due to climate change. Compare the current area of extreme drought vs. 80 years ago.  

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The Best President Vs. The Worst

Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread. – Thomas Jefferson “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at … Continue reading

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Gun Control Accomplishes Exactly What Governments Want It To Do

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The 100% Consensus Of Clueless Arctic Experts

Every single Arctic expert has failed with their Arctic sea ice forecasts. For the past 7 years they have been calling me “breathtakingly ignorant” for calling them out on their idiotic Arctic predictions NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, … Continue reading

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Constitutional Law Professor Speaks Out

The American people don’t want me just standing around twiddling my thumbs and waiting for Congress to get something done,” Obama said. In other words, Obama’s record low approval ratings tell him that the American people want him to subvert … Continue reading

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Serreze Monthly Propaganda Report Out

Arctic sea ice is in a life-spiral and is highest extent in a decade, while global sea ice area has been persistently above normal for almost two years. So how does the monthly Serreze propaganda report begin? Sled dog days … Continue reading

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Climate Is Drunk – Swerving Towards The Median

Climate scientists have been working under the influence of CO2 grant money! COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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No Change Since 1977 Means Change

Right on the heels of California declaring a state of emergency over wildfires on Saturday, the Obama Administration has released a video linking the blazes to climate change A few days ago, the U.S. Drought Monitor released new data showing … Continue reading

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Understanding Gun Control

Over the past 140 years, there have been no mass murders committed by members of the Ntional Rifle Association. During that same time, governments have murdered 200 million civilians. Government says the NRA is evil and dangerous.

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White House Ramps Up The Lies To Spectacular New Levels

White House Chief Science Adviser: Wildfires Are Linked To Climate Change “While no single wildfire can be said to be caused by climate change, climate change has been making the fire season in the U.S. longer and on average more … Continue reading

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