Monthly Archives: August 2014

Joe Romm’s Permanent Drought Hitting The Southwest Hard

 Storm floods Downtown Albuquerque, cuts Railrunner service to Santa Fe | Albuquerque Journal News

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Let’s Elect Him One More Time!


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Kerry Swiftboated By Hamas

Fifty years ago Barack Obama’s choice for Secretary of State trusted the Viet Cong, and now trusts Hamas. A real American patriot, and a real genius.

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Wildebeest Prepare To Migrate Back To The Lowlands

The balmy -10C Greenland summer is about to end, with temperatures expected to drop to -25C in a few days. The Wildebeest sense this, and are preparing to migrate back to the gentle grasslands which disappeared in the 15th century, … Continue reading

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Life In Paradise

I live on the edge of a forest full of verdant vegetation and wildlife, and always spend at least two hours a day in the forest walking the dogs and cycling. Right now it is full of ripe blackberries. I never get … Continue reading

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NCDC Setting New Records For US Temperature Fraud In 2014

NCDC continues to break all records for data tampering in 2014, with a hockey stick of adjustments to turn a long term cooling trend into a warming trend.     Note that the adjustments above do not include the adjustments … Continue reading

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What The Founding Fathers Intended

From the Virginia Bill of Rights Section 13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, … Continue reading

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1922 : Record Heat In Europe, Glaciers Melting NASA says that 1922 was very cold. Much colder than the ice age scare of the 1970s, when glaciers were expanding.

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1921 : Melting Glaciers Exposing Dead Bodies

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1922 Shock News : North Pole Melting, Unheard Of Heat, Radical Climate Change According to the fraudsters at NASA, that was nearly the coldest period on record

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