Monthly Archives: August 2014

It’s Dead, Jim

In 1988, NASA’s James Hansen published these three forecasts of global warming doom :   At his Congressional testimony that year he said that the uppermost curve, Scenario A, is “Business As Usual.”  Scenario C assumed that no new CO2 … Continue reading

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Coolest Summer On Record Here In Maryland

Laurel, Maryland is just down the road. They have recorded three 90 degree days this year – the fewest on record. The average number per year is 29, with a peak of 68 in the year 1900.

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Exposing The Original Birther

Birthers are those disgusting people who claim that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, in order to gain political or economic advantage. The original birther seems to have been Barack Obama, who apparently told his literary agents in 1991 that he was … Continue reading

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Great Match Going On At Stamford Bridge

Jose’s Spanish team of the north is playing well.

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Calling NASA’s Ruedy On His BS

Reader daveandrews723 got this E-Mail from Reto Ruedy at GISS It is true that our estimates for the global mean temperature anomalies occasionally change, since we base them on the best currently available data; those do change with time as records … Continue reading

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60 Years Of No Major Hurricanes In New England

This week in 1954, Boston’s Old North Church was damaged by hurricane Carol. Another major (category 3-5) hurricane hit New England ten days later. There have been no major hurricanes in New England since.

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Get The Shovels Out

At the end of another long hot summer in Greenland, the research station in the center of the ice cap is nearly buried in new snow which accumulated over the summer summit:status:webcam Climate experts tell the press that Greenland is … Continue reading

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Arctic Shipping Update

Climate experts say that Northeast and Northwest Passages are open for business, but neither will open up this year.  icen2014082118_2014082900_039_arcticicen.001.gif (754×666)

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Self-Fulfilling Prophesy From Gavin Schmidt

In 1998, Gavin warned us that climate data sets will be “distorted and twisted beyond all usefulness” Eos, Vol. 79, No. 28, July 14, 1998 Unless we are vigilant, “data sets” will evolve and data that have been so painstakingly collected … Continue reading

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The Climate Has Moved To Seattle

The climate left Australia a while back, and now resides in Seattle.  Mass: This Summer, One Of Hottest On Record, Is What Global Warming Feels Like | KPLU News for Seattle and the Northwest

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