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And that is precisely the model for the EU’s slowly-slowly removal of Britain’s rights to self-governance.
Excellent reference. Describes perfectly how things have changed in the US starting with FDR.
no starting with TR But made a major jump with Woodrow Wilson.
Yes, and Hitler seemed to want exactly Obama wants with gas and energy prices. Here in 2008 after a gas price spike in response to the question “So, do high [gas] prices help us?” Obama said “I think that I would preferred a gradual adjustment.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VquNu30hDe8
Of course Obama is not known to be a paragon of consistency. As is well known Obama also wants to see energy prices “necessarily skyrocket.” That doesn’t sound like incrementalism there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4
One thing, whether incremental or not, Obama is consistent in wanting gas and energy prices to rise sharply. Idiotic, and insanely costly to our economy and welfare. And Obama’s desires are in line with those of his first Secretary of Anti-Energy Steven Chu: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/03/13/chu_walks_back_2008_remark_advocating_higher_gas_prices.html
Somewhere there is a TED talk where the speaker talks about the washing machine. Inexpensive energy is the way out of poverty. Out of surviving day by day. But worse, it’s the way out of ignorance. This is why they attack inexpensive energy. The less we can access the more power they have.
If someone were to release an affordable zero point energy device tomorrow it would be banned before morning and he would be dead or in jail facing various charges.
Found the talk:
Yes he falls for the CO2 nonsense, but the point he makes about energy is clear and valid. Energy gives us the time to learn and do other things our rulers would rather not us do.
Strange that they never talk about the carbon footprint of the new police cars (nor their maintenance cost)
Yeah, funny that.
Working the ‘Overton Window’.
Everyone forgets the part where Hitler and Mussolini were heroes to the Progressive left here in the states. Goebbels propaganda was based on the work of the Progressives, unions and other socialists in the US starting with the Wilson administration and the idea that he created the NAZI propaganda machine out of whole cloth is ludicrous.
Most totalitarian governments that have taken over a “free” people have a great deal in common. I haven’t done the research but I would bet there are a huge number of parallels between the major German newspaper’s editorial (and front) pages from the 1930’s and the NYT, WaPo. LAT and the rest of the Progressive rags over the last decade and especially in the last 7 years.
Charles Lindbergh is a perfect example of the support Hitler had prior to has invasion of Poland. Many other progressives supported Hitler right up until the time he invaded Russia and only then did a blatant 180. If FDR had not been such a powerful president he would have had an even tougher time than he did getting the Bases for Weapons and lend lease schemes through.
Charles Lindbergh never supported Hitler.
Oh yes he most certainly did:
Right up until Poland was invaded. He was even going to move to Berlin until news of the Crystal Night.
Then from that time until Pearl Harbor he preached isolationism which was a popular position then.
But after Pearl Harbor the public tide went against Lindbergh.
Lindbergh’s rep was not reconstituted after all of that until his great work in the Pacific training pilots of the P-38 to get the most range out of their aircraft became known. During the time he unofficially shot down several Japanese planes. He may actually have been an ace but his kills could not be officially acknowledged.
But what revived his rep after WW II more than anything was the 1957 movie Spirit of St. Louis staring Jimmy Stewart.
Now one can try to equivocate and say that others Americans did similar stuff. But the fact is that Lindbergh was very vocal and politically active in it. Some say he supported the German advances in technology and aviation but did not support Nazism. A distinction without a difference. Hitler was who ran and built the Germany of the 1930s. Hitler was who oppressed his own people during that time. Lindbergh almost certainly did not know of the beginning of the Concentration camps but he had to know of the other oppression and the usurpation of representative government by Hitler’s regime.
rah good articles, but whoa the 20/20 hindsight. “the NOTORIOUS America First…” Not at the time.
“[O]utrageous speech” saying that Britain was agitating for the US to get into the war? Of course they were. Lindbergh in your Express article comes off as a caricature and there is considerable editorializing.
But all in all, many points are well taken, including the important point that Lindy was “Impressionable.” No. He was gullible and he was suckered. He never was formally awarded that infamous medal, but he should have given it back. He showed broad streaks of anti-Semitism, but that was a pandemic disease. (Remember the ship full of German Jews who were refused disembarkation in Roosevelt’s USA?)
And lest we forget, there was a current of admiration in the first 40 years of the 20th century to accept authoritarian, even totalitarian governments. Mussolini was feted, Hitler admired, and unknown numbers of US citizens swore fealty to Communism and Joe Stalin, even to the point where US COMMUNISTS supported Hitler and demanded the US not help Great Britain.
So, did Lindbergh actions show up as supporting the Nazi regime? Alas, probably so.
Was he alone in this? Emphatically not.
As for his support of the Nazis in a war with the USSR, wasn’t it then-Senator Harry Truman who said we should watch such a war so we could supply whichever side was losing with arms and support so they would continue to tear each other apart?
Much of Lindbergh’s failures have been distorted by his political enemies, starting with FDR, who genuinely hated him and smeared him because of AF. Lindy was a naïf who had no business allowing himself to be used because of his celebrity status. But to say he was a villain and a SUPPORTER of Hitler? By the way, there are many books that come down on both sides of the argument, and they would be better references than articles that do seem to have a political axe to grind.
The progressives in the media of the day loved Adolf and his policies so much that he was named Time Magazine’s man of the year 1938. http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,760539,00.html
I have read several Biographies of Lindbergh, including his own accounts. What I provided here is a sampling of what is available on the internet from reasonable sources. There is a whole lot more out there which paints a far darker picture of Lucky Lindie but from less reliable sources than those I choose.
Dupes? Yes, a hell of a lot of Germans that wore swastikas on their cloths were also dupes. Yet they supported the base ideology of what Hitler was selling, while others accepted it and turned a blind eye to the evil while noting the positive. Just as Lindbergh did.
There is much about the changes that FDR and his “New Deal” created in American politics/society that I disagree with. I am one of those that believe the “New Deal” hindered economic recovery more than helped and that the measures taken were far too socialist in nature. So though I am an admirer of FDR in his ability to foresee the threat and eventually unite the country and lead it towards facing and defeating that threat and in his wartime leadership there is much of what FDR did prior to the war that disgusts me. So I’m not picking sides between the two. Just reporting the history as I see it as a person that has spent most of his life reading it and studying it and trying to figure it out.
BTW I have a collection of phonograph records given to me by my Grandmother with her Columbia Graphonia. You know those 1/4″ thick records? A copy of the song ‘Lucky Lindy”. Recorded 1929.
T SA. I wonder when they will change in T SS
Not until
RöhmRahm becomes an obstacle.And the EPA wants control over messages from independent scientists too:
a href=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1598131621/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1598131621&linkCode=as2&tag=insta0c-20>Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State”
As proof, see pesce. Still clueless.
But Maybe A H never said it –