Shock News : Writer Believes That Climate Scientists Altered Data

Global warming is a man-made phenomenon. Those who made it happen were not the people burning fossil fuels, though. The culprits are the scientists who concocted and altered climate data during the past three decades in order to make it look like the rest of us were guilty.

Victoria Advocate | Global warming is a man-made phenomenon

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Shock News : Writer Believes That Climate Scientists Altered Data

  1. omanuel says:

    Thanks, Steven for your keen insight, courage and persistence.

    When the final curtain is pulled, the ghost of Stalin will be seen saving other frightened world leaders from unreported CHAOS and FEAR of late August 1945:

    Science, religion and all humanity lost WWII:

  2. Edward. says:

    I don’t do facebook or any sochul meeja, so can’t log in at ‘Victoria Advocate’.

    I stick it on ‘ere and with your permission Mr. Goddard. ¦^)

    Even if, man was somehow affecting climate through pumping – adding <5% ppm CO2, the signal in the background noise of natural warming would be undetectable, but having said that, how do you prove a myth?
    Man made warming, from man made CO2 is a figment of the delusional imagination of some civil servants posing as scientists and that includes the guy charlatan who can’t do statistics and won’t publish his data and method under the [wrong headed – weasels]…… protection of Penn State University.

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