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- arn on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
- arn on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
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yeah..and now change of govt and funding gone
theyre “scared” cos we dont believe em anymore.
Time to move to Australia. The rest of the world is crazy.
brilliant,you need to send that over to jo nova .
Just one more time!
I LOVE that cartoon. It would make a great T-Shirt to wear to Dr. Happer’s at UNC Physics Department.
+30ppm=> +0.3C??!!
What a fantasy.
Well… maybe if that +30ppm was thermite instead of CO2.
Wish I had the ability to travel to take things like that from Dr. Happer in.
Simply being objective.
It is less than an hours drive for me. I really wish I could have afforded to go to Vegas so I look at this as kind of a conciliation prize.
We’ll give you a report on his talk here if Tony doesn’t mind….stay tuned.
that would be great .
money cannot buy happiness – but it works for everything else.
It enables you to be miserable in comfort!
Three of my favorite cartoons:
My favorite is one of Al Gore.
And the fact Sen. Inhofe had the cojones to place the Weekly Standard cover version next to him for his speech. link
Considering the lab coated “Scientist” with the dollar sign ($)($) eyes, some place there’s an interview with Dr. Richard Lindzen where he talks about the same phenomenon, he says, “…You can see their eyes bulge…”
Correction Dr. Lindzen was talking about politicians.
Politicians have learned that scientist can be persuaded to find evidence for anything, . . . if the pay is right.
Today about 100 scientists coauthored an article in Nature that confirms the Standard Solar Model of fusion in the core of the Sun against precise, overwhelming experimental evidence the Sun’s neutron-rich pulsar core is the Creator, Destroyer and Sustainer of every atom, life and world in the solar system [1] – like Marduk, the one God of ancient Egypt [2].
First, Scientific American reported yesterday (27 Aug 2014) [3]
“For the first time, physicists have captured the elusive neutrinos produced by the sun’s basic proton fusion reactions.”
The research article published today [4] addressed none of the nine pages of precise experimental data that disprove the Standard Solar Model [1] but claims to have discovered new evidence in support of Fred Hoyle’s suggestion sixty-eight years ago that
“In the core of the Sun, energy is released through sequences of nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen into helium.”
1. “Solar energy,” Journal of Solar Energy (Submitted. 25 July 2014) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10640850/Preprint_Solar_Energy.pdf
2. “Et tu Utu? Marduk AMAR.UTU,” in The Church of Sacred Carbon
3. “Strange Neutrinos from the Sun Detected for the First Time,” in Scientific American news report on 27 Aug 2014: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/solar-neutrinos-detected-borexino/
4. Borexino Collaboration (~100 coauthors), ” Neutrinos from the primary proton-proton fusion process in the Sun,” Nature 512, 383-386 (28 Aug 2014): http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v512/n7515/full/nature13702.html
Thread bomber.
I sent the cartoon to a number of Government Ministers in Canada.
“money cannot buy happiness – but it works for everything else.”
Money cannot buy happiness — but it can rent one hell of a good time. :-p
Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s conservative coalition government rose to power last year on the promise of getting rid of the tax, assuring voters that removing it would reduce household electricity bills. He plans to replace the measure with a TAXPAYER-FINANCED AU$2.55 billion fund to pay industry incentives to use cleaner energy.
Does it matter if they hit you with the right hand or with the left hand ?
So they changed it from an indirect tax to a direct tax ( = more government control) for the people. This is change you can believe in. Bravo.
I just stole that cartoon and photoshopped AUSSIE into US and changed CSIRO into GISS if anybody want it email me.
That is a great cartoon! It could as well be
1. The Swedish/Norwegian Academy of Sciences handing out Nobel Prizes and Crafoord Prizes
2. Research agencies handing out funds to large collaborations of scientists
For finding 99% consensus “scientific evidence” for deception.
any chance of a uk met office version 🙂
You got it. Email me.
I don’t know if the UK or USA versions make any sense because I don’t know who the lady with the red hair and long nose is. But it doesn’t matter much. In the US it should be Gina McCarthy (the head of the EPA) but I don’t know what she looks like. If she has red hair I’m in luck.
I put it on my facebook page, please borrow it
I changed the logo to have a map of the USA. Whatever.
I am not on facebook and am getting
Normally I can ‘See’ facebook pages.
It’s there. You have to log into facebook to see my page. Try again or send me a friend request
I gave her white hair and got rid of the big nose and made her Gina McCarthy of the EPA, and changed the logo from a map of Australia to the USA.
Try this:
Thanks Morgan
I can see that. Good work.
“I am not on facebook “
Smart move
Smart non-move.
OT but when the event happened I told X he would lose 50% of his crowd from posting a very stupid statement about SG on Lucias site (which is a non-descript WTF site, more worried about security than anything else and really believes that ZEke, Moshers (english major) are really experts in climate analysis),. In any case both of you are doing well after that saga (but I reckon he has in fact lost a HUGE crowd and is trying to imitate your mode more and more, because it is (AGW) in fact a fraud.as you describe it (ie recent BOM, USCHN saga)… LOL
one thing is for sure eliza .i strongly suspect tony does not give a rats ass regarding any personal attacks on other blogs ,i can imagine him chuckling away every time someone attempts to diss him.
remember,he who laughs last, laughs the longest.
For us that do not follow the fine detail of recent Australian politics, I offer:
Opened my eyes. To an evil human being.
Pointman is always a good read.
WAY more than I wanted to know.
Makes you feel like you have been swimming in a cesspit doesn’t it? The USA and other countries are just as bad unfortunately.
Yes we can