Understanding The Hiatus

The global warming hiatus is easy to understand.

It is much harder for NOAA to tamper with post 1979 global data, because we now have satellite data – which restricts the amount of cheating which they can do.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Understanding The Hiatus

  1. Rick Smith says:

    Yes Dr Roy Spencer keeps these updated here.

  2. The Griss says:

    Just imagine how warmer it would be now if the satellite measurement system didn’t exist.

    One suspects it would pretty much match the GCM mean !!

  3. B says:

    What stops them from changing the satellite record?

    • Lawrence 13 says:

      I was wandering the same for the Antarctic sea record which has been steadily climbing to the record levels now shown. Maybe it slipped through net, maybe they didn’t think they need to tamper with it as it was overshadowed by the Arctic sea ice losses. Another factor has been that over at WUWTall the daily ice data has been there for all to see collated in one place, so I would assume once that cat is out of the bag, its hard to get it back in.

      This does raise an issue though that no doubt we’ve all been thinking about ,especially with Tony’s work and that is can we trust what we are being told anymore from the established AGW organisations?
      We can trust Roy Spencer and his sat measurements
      I feel we can’t trust NASA at all as it seems to be run by AGW zealots that would also go for NOAA, UKMO here in Britain is spinning all the time but possibly not yet tampering.

      You just wonder if these people we supposedly feel exist at pivotal points ofg data construction are looking thinking hmm that looks flat lets try by hook or by crook to make it look warmer or cooler as with the past .

      Tony whilst I’m here if you see this can I ask some questions?

      I notice that Anthony Watts never links your website

      Recently he raised your issue of the temp tampering but that seems to have died a death except for you keeping it going.

      I note that that interview with Ezra the topic of a book came up but am other scientist and bright bloggers looking at this tampering issue as well and totally verifying your findings. I ask all this as if there has been willful corruption of the data to provide false public information, then this is surely a massive issue? So are others taking this up with you or independently of you?

      Sorry to hijack the thread but I’d love to know that the tampering was proved beyond all doubt by many sources and then NASA and their ilk challenged openly..

      • Brian H says:

        You are observing the Big Lie tactic in operation. “Nobody could POSSIBLY get away with a whopper like that, so it can’t be a whopper! “

    • stpaulchuck says:

      there’s been several proposals to ‘adjust’ the satellite record because it doesn’t comply with the official land record. So far that’s been kept at bay, but once they gain some traction via the US or British Science Academies we’re truly screwed for good data.

  4. philjourdan says:

    Ehhh, not quite. They are tampering with the “homogenized” data. They just cannot tamper with the Satellite data.

    • stpaulchuck says:

      so “homogenized” means ‘blended with crap’ then?

    • rishrac says:

      Since they have authority, they can do whatever they like for any reason. Whether it is right or not is a different issue. You try changing it back Phil. Only you and I can agree on what it should be, and we have no authority, so therefore it doesn’t exist.
      In my opinion, all things considered, the real temperature has probably gone down. How much? By at least as much as the IPCC predictions have said the temperature should have risen. I posted the math on another blog.

      • rah says:

        Ahhh heck. When they tell you that that low the night before was 38 deg F and there is a new film of ice on the mud puddles in the morning who are you going to believe? Probably the same thing anyone but a “climate scientist” and our president and his merry band would believe?

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