US Forest Fires Near Historic Lows

Outside of the West Coast, there is very little forest fire activity in the US this year. Burn acreage is much less than half of normal.

ScreenHunter_1655 Aug. 04 06.59  National Interagency Fire Center

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to US Forest Fires Near Historic Lows

  1. A C Osborn says:

    Steve, you must have that wrong, everyone knows that Global Warming is causing a massive increase in Wild Fires, even your President has commented on it.
    You should not let these FACTS get in the way of such important opinions.

  2. Jeffk says:

    Yes but warmtards will say the increased CO2 is replacing the oxygen the fires need to grow! A horrible tragedy!!

  3. Pathway says:

    Really it is unfortunate that fire season is so slow. It just means larger and hotter fires in the future. Here in Colorado we need to burn 250,000 acre/year just to keep up with plant growth.

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