Weather Channel Founder Blasts The Liars At CNN And The Weather Channel

This is a great watch provided by John Coleman.

The CEO of the Weather Channel then came on and told one lie after another, including a completely fraudulent claim that droughts are getting worse.

ScreenHunter_4288 Nov. 03 09.13

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Weather Channel Founder Blasts The Liars At CNN And The Weather Channel

  1. Kenneth Simmons says:

    I saw the interview and read what occurred before it took place. The creep doing the interview did not have the guts to repeat it again once on the air. Mr. Coleman was correct when he stated that he is a Scientist and the CEO is a CEO (and I add not a very good one at that!). The blindfolded warming crowd keeps mentioning that 97% of agree extreme warming is occurring. The big question is 97% of how many and which Scientists? As Mr. Coleman pointed out, of course the Government funded Scientists are going to agree that warming is a danger to continue being paid. Now some of them have the nerve and gall to say that global warming is causing increasing cold that could last for 30 years or more. Strange, I thought I heard that somewhere before-wait I did hear that before. Scientists who factored in the Sun, Oceans, and natural factors and figured out that CO2 and man had little effect on climate mentioned it.

    • Winnipeg Boy says:

      97% of NRA members are in favor or guns. Now that is a consensus: and nearly as objective a group as the ipcc. There, it’s settled. Talk to the hand.

  2. Kenneth Simmons says:

    I saw the interview and read what occurred before it took place. The creep doing the interview did not have the guts to repeat it again once on the air. Mr. Coleman was correct when he stated that he is a Scientist and the CEO is a CEO (and I add not a very good one at that!). The blindfolded warming crowd keeps mentioning that 97% of Scientist’ agree extreme warming is occurring. The big question is 97% of how many and which Scientists? As Mr. Coleman pointed out, of course the Government funded Scientists are going to agree that warming is a danger to continue being paid. Now some of them have the nerve and gall to say that global warming is causing increasing cold that could last for 30 years or more. Strange, I thought I heard that somewhere before-wait I did hear that before. Scientists who factored in the Sun, Oceans, and natural factors and figured out that CO2 and man had little effect on climate mentioned it.

  3. Neal S says:

    And the lies continue in the main stream media …

    I wonder what it will take before most people realize humans have little to no impact
    on climate?

  4. Anthony S says:

    FYI, one of your favorite punching rags has become entangled in another journalistic ethics scandal. Mother Jones has been implicated in GamerGate, concerning Videogame journalism corruption. The main themes should be familiar to anyone acquainted with global warming journalism.

    -Liberal journalists
    -A secret email group so journalists can coordinate their message across different publications while appearing spontaneous.
    -Exaggerated/false claims of death threats.
    -Open support of violence against people they disagree with.
    -Journalists likening people they disagree with as terrorists.
    -Tortured 97% ish statistics.
    -Minimal to zero ethical guidelines.
    -Rank hypocrisy.

    Compare the Wikipedia version of GamerGate
    with the gamer account. (very, very NSFW)

    • emsnews says:

      Those are porno sites. Shows how abusing males are to women.

    • MrX says:

      That’s left on left attacks. And mostly women and minorities on both sides. Kinda ironic. The wikipedia site is laughable. It’s as if the DNC wrote it. I think the whole “war on women” thing is backfiring all over the place within the ranks of liberals.

      To me, it looks like the whole PC thing has gone too far even for the Left.

  5. David A says:

    Tony, you may (being so skilled in data and graphics) wish to check out the veracity of this comment, which indicates manipulation of SST graphs.

    • I would love to find out if Tony checked out the veracity of my comment (I assume it´s the one about the NASA map). I worked on a NOAA research vessel in the 1970´s launching and logging expendable bathythermographs, and I can´t recall ever seeing temperatures as high as 30 degrees Centigrade. There´s also the issue of the mistie between the maps and the Argo data. Either Argo is missing a very warm shallow surface layer I can´t eyeball in the graphs or something is indeed goofy.

  6. Eliza says:

    As tweety says the iss twouble in iceland!

  7. gregole says:

    John Coleman says (on the air!)

    CNN has taken a very strong position on global warming that it is a consensus. Well there is no consensus in science. Science isn’t a vote. Science is about facts. …It has been become a big political point of the Democratic Party and part of their platform, but the science is on my side.

    John Coleman, Right On!

    Amazing he got a hearing. The rebuttals are the usual fact-free appeals to authority, or just baseless assertions with no support whatsoever.

  8. Eric Barnes says:

    John did a fantastic job. My hat is off to him.

  9. wayne says:

    Love the way Coleman got his message right in there to hell or high water. Put that CNN commentator in his proper place — mostly quiet. Super message John Coleman! Superbly handled!

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