Monthly Archives: October 2017

NASA : Doubling Warming By Data Tampering

Between 2001 and 2015, NASA doubled 1880-2000 warming, via good old-fashioned data tampering. 2001 version :   2015 version: Fig.A.gif  The next graph normalizes the two NASA graphs to the most recent common decade. It shows the magnitude of the tampering. Alternatively, … Continue reading

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More Pictures From Yesterday And Today

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Flying With The Hawk

Best watched full screen in HD This was the flexed branch he/she was sitting on.

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Understanding Climate Change

The US was hit by dozens of major hurricanes from 1899 to 1996. Those were just weather, but two major hurricanes in the last 12 years is climate. Note that New England was hit by two major hurricanes in … Continue reading

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Declining October 11 Temperatures In The US

Prior to 1965, October 11 used to be a warm day in the US, but over the past century October 11 afternoon temperatures have fallen several degrees. On this date in 1928, temperatures were in the 90’s as far north … Continue reading

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More Pictures From This Week

Winter has arrived, but the last week of the very short autumn in Colorado and Northern New Mexico was beautiful.

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Falling October 9 Temperatures In The US

October 9 used to be a very warm day in the US, but temperatures have declined over the past century. On this date in 1928, Most of the eastern US was over 80F, much of the Midwest was over 90F, … Continue reading

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More New Mexico Pictures

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Road Trip To New Mexico

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Shortest Summer On Record In Colorado

We had a big snowstorm on May 18 And we have a big snowstorm forecast for Monday. That will be 144 days between snowfalls greater than 5cm (2 inches) beating the previous record of 147 days – set seventy years … Continue reading

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