Daily Archives: July 25, 2019

No Evidence That Climate Scientists Or Journalists Have Any Integrity Or Skill

Climate change: We haven’t experienced anything like this in the past 2,000 years – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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The World’s Leading Climate Expert

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New Video : No Evidence That Climate Scientists Or Journalists Have Any Integrity

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July 24, 1934 – Hottest Day On Record In Chicago

On this date 85 years ago, it was 109 degrees in Chicago – the hottest day on record there. 24 Jul 1934, 1 – Chicago Tribune at Newspapers.com NOAA says it was only 105 degrees – they are pretty good … Continue reading

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Who Knew?

Andy P just informed me on YouTube that Heartland Institute is paying me – a lot. They must have the wrong address though, because the checks never show up in my mailbox. The good news though is that I just … Continue reading

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