Monthly Archives: July 2020

New Video : Identifying Herd Immunity

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Partially New Video : Two Paths To Herd Immunity (Extend Version)

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Identifying Herd Immunity

States with high COVID-19 total death rates are seeing few new cases, and vice-versa. Data here. It appears that herd immunity occurs at around 500 deaths per million. Same thing is true for countries. Countries above ~500 deaths per million … Continue reading

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New Video : Two Paths To Herd Immunity

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Sweden’s Economy Spared

One of the favorite lies of COVID alarmists is that Sweden not locking down didn’t help their economy. Sweden’s light-touch Covid-19 approach spared economy, says SEB chief Another lie is that Sweden is far from herd immunity. Sweden Covid-19: Nation … Continue reading

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Arizonans More Likely To Die From Alzheimer’s Than COVID-19

Stats of the State of Arizona ADHS – Data Dashboard

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New Global Warming Catastrophe Brewing

Global Warming Disaster: Dangerous Amounts Of Methane Released As Republicans Rush To Buy Goya Beans | The Babylon Bee Here is my latest Goya purchase from Las Rosas Carniceria y Market. I quit shopping at Albertsons because they put up … Continue reading

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New Video : Fake News Works

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YouTube Cheating Now Too

I just watched YouTube knock almost 4,000 views from my latest video. Analytics: Displayed count:

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BLM Locks Down Victoria

Whoever could have seen that coming? Link

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