Daily Archives: January 3, 2024

“There’s no sea ice at all”

Fifty years of climate comedy at The Guardian.

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Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Up 28%

Antarctic sea ice extent is up 28% from this date last year. ftp://osisaf.met.no/prod_test/ice/index/v2p2/sh/osisaf_sh_sie_daily.txt Three days ago the Guardian reported “climate breakdown” in Antarctica “There’s no sea ice at all,” Red alert in Antarctica: the year rapid, dramatic change hit climate … Continue reading

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Global Warming Makes It Extremely Cold

“How global warming also brings colder weather ….  the effects of global warming may even have favored the extremely cold temperature. How global warming also brings colder weather – DW – 02/11/2021

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“greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life.”

“It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific … Continue reading

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“the threat of a new ice age”

“The Guardian 20 Nov 1974, Wed -Page 17 the facts have emerged, in recent years and months, from research into the ice ages of the past. They imply that the threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside … Continue reading

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“WINTER HEAT WAVE IN BRITAIN LONDON, January 3.—The winter heat wave continues in London with the temperature early this morning only four degrees below that of June. Roses are blooming in Wales, daffodils in the south of England, and spring … Continue reading

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SCIENTISTS PREDICT: Another Ice Age Is On The Way”

“SCIENTISTS PREDICT: Another Ice Age Is On The Way Two leaders In their field say the enormous glacier that buried half the world 11,000 years ago is due back and present a startling theory to prove it” March 30, 1958 … Continue reading

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Making Bad Data Worse

A look at how US government agencies poison the global temperature record with scientifically unusable data.

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