100% Of Democrat Governors Support Foreign Invasion Of The US

All Democrat governors support Biden’s foreign invasion of the US, including the fake governor of Arizona who installed herself.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to 100% Of Democrat Governors Support Foreign Invasion Of The US

  1. arn says:

    Must be the same democrats who were so upset by the Jan 6th invasion (which they false flagged into existence).
    Also strange that they live in places completely untouched by invaders they pretend to love so much.

    Strange that ALL democrat politician instantly lose their real values
    the second a new narrative is being established.
    Be it abortion till 9th month,
    abandoning borders,
    indoctrinating children with porn
    and crippling them for life with trans surgeries.

    No matter how crazy and pervert an agenda is, not a single opposing voice or even tiny criticism.
    Just a permanent doubling down on insane policies.

    To paraphrase CiA Boss Casey

    Our corruption and blackmail program is complete
    when our politicians support every new agenda without questioning or resistance.

    • LHL says:

      For some strange reason, the dimocrats want to destroy this country. I can’t understand why they hate America. I hope that people awaken (the opposite of “being woke”) to the destruction they are imposing on us. If not, I fear that we have only one or two generations before we are enslaved.

    • LHL says:

      I forgot to mention that I live in Texas and see numerous illegals every day — filling up stores (using Bidenbucks?) and talking on their free cell phones, walking the streets, begging on street corners. I pray that our governor is successful in standing up to Joe and the Ho. If the rest of the country pays attention to what is going on, Clueless Joe Biden cannot win reelection. Of course, they can and will cheat as in 2020, so we must be vigilant.

      • arn says:

        Interesting – as they get free cell phones in Europe too.

        I wonder what the purpose / intention behind this is (a closer look into the software may give us a hint)
        and how they managed to produce so many more phones, especially during shortage , and how/if they bypassed the market.

  2. Bob G says:

    Arn, there is a single voice of descent on the left. surprisingly his name is Fetterman. I live an hour out of the twin cities of Minnesota and Minnesota is just as red as North Dakota once you get away from the twin cities

    • arn says:

      I heard about him.

      But when the braindamaged village idiot
      who runs around like a 13 year old trailer trash park hood rat
      is the brightest light in the room
      – than things are really really bad.

  3. Russell Cook says:

    Regarding Arizona — Out of approximately 2½ million votes cast in 2022, the election margin for Kari Lake / Katie Hobbs was a bit over 17,000. Arizona has long had a mail-in ballot system. Meaning you fill in your ballot, put it in the postage paid envelope that came with the ballot, and then put it in your own outgoing mail, or drop it into any number of blue Federal mailboxes (which can only be opened by USPS employees), or you give it straight to your USPS mail deliverer. Everyone in the USPS system is under Federal law prohibiting them from tampering with the mail in any manner. But AZ setup election ballot dropboxes before the 2020 election, when there was literally no need for them. Who knows who the people are who collect ballots out of those things?

  4. Rah says:

    No surprise here. Just as not a single city that declared itself a “sanctuary” has revoked that status. The dictates of the party must not be challenged no matter what the cost to the constituents.

  5. Rah says:

    I say that when and if Trump starts deporting them to hell with a plane ticket back to their country of origin. Dump them all in Mexico.

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