A short video showing that mainstream climate academia clings to beliefs which would only work on a flat earth.
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- Gamecock on UN Is Upset
- scott allen on UN Is Upset
- arn on “Fascist Salute”
- dm on UN Is Upset
- dm on UK Green Energy Record
- Francis Barnett on UK Green Energy Record
- Greg in NZ on Record Warmth Of January 1906
- Disillusioned on “Fascist Salute”
- Francis Barnett on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
Good points!
Record Cold -40 voting during the Hottest Year ever and a non-existent snowpack/snowcover .. LOL!!
I wonder how many POS Lefturdds are going out to eff with GOP/Trump Voting today??
As Democrats and the Left reach “Record Lows” so will Record Low’s be tested throughout the South over the next few days as an Arctic Blast heads south…
But don’t worry, simple data alterations, or “feels like” vs actuals, or baselining to eliminate records will be used .. or the shit just won’t be reported .. OR this was expected and all due to Klymutt Change $$ !!
Obama is part of the totalitarian-globalist cartel (TGC) that wants to control people by fear and, by the way, try and kill off a few billion people. The TGC knows that the science is against them. But tell a big enough lie over and over again and people will believe it. Also, get the teachers in the schools to push the TGC agenda starting at as young an age as possible and all the sheep will be in their pen. Sad but true. Greta Thunberg (sp?) is an example of a thoroughly brain-washed child.
By the way, when the new major glaciation period starts, which it will, it will be a whole lot worse than global warming and millions, if not billions will die. Think of all the people above the 49th parallel of latitude–Canada, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Russia, Northern China–they will all have to move south when they can no longer grow crops like wheat.
The Dutch farmers marched and they changed their government. The German farmers are marching, and they can change the EU’s government.