“greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life.”

“It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.”

Renowned Physicist resigns from American Physical Society | GlobalWarming.org

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to “greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life.”

  1. Dayna says:

    Wow!! Good on him, how long till he’s accused of pedophelia or rape? Or worse, being a Ultra MAGA white supremecist??

  2. Let us hope there will be a general exodus from the APS, which has disgraced itself as an institution. Few real physicists, who have actually looked at the ‘science’, have any time for the global warming hoax.

  3. arn says:

    This would happen to every scientist who ‘lower’ themselves to
    take a look into climate gate.
    Besides the ice age scare the biggest red flag in science ever – yet experts are more interested in 0.1 degree or a 0.01 % increase of a trace gas instead of the elephant in the room that has trampled down their science.

  4. Rah says:

    It’s called courage! The courage to follow one’s convictions no matter what. That is exactly the opposite of what the majority of those in academia lacks. Granted, it is much easier to do once you’ve made your name. But my reading of the history of so many of the most prominent characters in history vowed positively by the vast majority shows it is a common characteristic among them. They either never compromised their principles or did once in their earlier years, greeted it, and never did so again.

  5. Rah says:

    Good lord! I hate “spell check”!

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Speaking of spell check, at my age, my fingers hit everywhere but where I intend. I have a spell check add-on which I use that is pretty good, but Apple, I think, has come to my rescue with an AI, which I think has been added to my phone, and which is nothing except comical in its corrections. At this stage of the game, AI will not kill us because of its intelligence, but rather because of its incompetence.

  6. conrad ziefle says:

    This is happening with all professional organizations. The AMA leadership has gone completely Marxist, making insane Maoist declarations in the name of medical professionals. The problem is that the real professionals are busy making the profession proud. They depend on the slate of officers of the professional organization to be actually dedicated people. They don’t have time to check them out, and the Marxists slide into power and begin to corrupt. This is also happening in local institutions as well. A lot of good could be done by some of these big conservative groups by offering an alternative slate to each of these professional organizations.
    Sorry to say, but I think Doctor Lewis should remain with the organization and attempt to build a consensus of like-minded others to take back control.
    I have also suggested that the Daily Wire or Epoch Times should offer to take investors’ proxies and vote them, in mass, conservatively. I would certainly write over my proxies to them.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      So I just listened to this and James Lindsay has studied communist, Marxist theory and methodology extensively. Here is why good COPS should hunker down and not quit because of bad policies being forced on them. Ditto military, ditto doctors, ditto physicists, ditto school board members, etc. etc. Your organization has been infiltrated by Marxists, and the best thing you can do is stay and fight it, or at least hunker down until better times, because if you leave, you will be replaced by a psychopathic Marxist policemen, soldier, physicist, etc.
      Take a listen to this

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