Leading The Fight Against Bad Weather

“Hollywood has been giving out climate change-focused awards for 33 years. Who knew?
JANUARY 27, 2024

Billie Eilish at the 32nd Environmental Media Association (EMA) Awards Gala in Los Angeles, Oct. 8 2022. The pop star is flanked by her mother Maggie Baird (left) and EMA CEO Debbie Levin.”

What to know about the 33rd Environmental Media Association Awards : NPR

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Leading The Fight Against Bad Weather

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    It might be possible that Climate Voodoo has a greater following than any of the other religions.

    • arn says:

      It has.

      All the previous religions had only mouth to mouth propaganda
      and were only present for a few hours per month,
      and they were locally and regionally limited and had to compete with other
      Ideologies, – isms and even Atheists,

      but via big tech and MSM (and Ai) climate fear is being forced 24/7 on people on a global scale,
      and literally every day a new sensation / anti-miracle is being fabricated
      from all around the world ( yesterday a 5 sigma event, today ant arctica, tomorrow glaciers,
      next week Alaska) to scare us.
      And every piece of shit of an expert is superbusy to discover / predict a catastrophy caused by warming.

  2. Russell Cook says:

    Juh-eeze! Would be entertaining to make use of whatever ‘carbon footprint calculator’ there is out there to figure out how much ‘greenhouse gas pollution’ this outfit would not have created by never existing.

  3. Could we get Ricky Gervais to host this?

  4. Rah says:

    Been there and seen it all. The only reason I would go back would be to get the prime rib and Caesar salad at Lawry’s in Beverly Hills.

  5. Richard E Fritz says:

    WHY NOT Nobel was given to Obama and Carter- HRC Como and many other darlings of the LEFT get awards from Ho WOOD

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