Michael Mann Explains Hypocrisy

Michel Mann and his friends can’t live without the fossil fuels they say they want banned, and says the reason people point this out is because they “flatly deny climate science.

He also flatly refuses to discuss climate science with anyone who understands the fraud he is engaged in.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Michael Mann Explains Hypocrisy

  1. Francis Barnett says:

    I would like to hear Mr Mannipulator explain why he hasn’t paid the estate of Tim Bell the legal expenses claim he was awarded by the Canadian court nine years ago.
    Is there a statute of limitation on civil debts of this nature in Canada?

  2. Bob G says:

    nobody would know who Michael Mann is if it wasn’t for the incurious press that publishes his malarkey unquestioningly. we hadn’t heard from Al Gore for a number of years because he was predicting only 100 million climate refugees. now he’s up that to a billion and he’s back in the fake news

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    The “refugees” are bringing a climate of Marxism across the southern border.
    Mann, over and over, has been an embarrassment, through his political diatribes. He is just unfit to be in charge of serious scientists.

  4. I think owning beach side mansions while proclaiming catastrophic sea level rise, pretty well lets the cat out of the bag. Private jets to attend a climate conference which could have been conducted on zoom. All indicators that the protagonists of the ‘climate crisis’ believe the likes of Mann less than I do. The climate scam is an excuse to impose authoritarian, feudal government on the world’s population. It has nothing to do with genuine science. Where does Mann fit into this new world order? – every court needs its jester.

  5. Tony Taylor says:

    the reason Conservatives have weaponised hypocrisy is because Progressives have provided the bullets.

  6. Here’s a little ditty I wrote which may or may not be related to Michael “Mitty” Mann

    “When Judges Lie”


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