Monthly Archives: January 2024

“seven times faster than the global average”

Temperatures in Iraq are rising roughly seven times faster than the global average” Climate Adaption Key to Iraq’s Stability and Economic Development  NASA shows Iraq has warmed about two degrees since 1880, even though they have almost no data for … Continue reading

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100% Of Democrat Governors Support Foreign Invasion Of The US

All Democrat governors support Biden’s foreign invasion of the US, including the fake governor of Arizona who installed herself.

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White House Promoting Russian/Iranian Natural Gas Sales

“WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is delaying consideration of new natural gas export terminals in the United States, even as gas shipments to Europe and Asia have soared since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The election year decision by President … Continue reading

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A Real Insurrection

“Texas is right. Biden’s failure to secure the border leaves states no choice but to take matters into their own hands. As President, I will end this humanitarian crisis once and for all. I will secure the border and destroy … Continue reading

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Erasing The Cooling

In the December 15, 1977 issue of Nature, it was reported that atmospheric temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere had cooled about 1C. “An international team of specialists has concluded from eight indexes of climate that there is no end in … Continue reading

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Fifty Years Into The Ice Age

“Another Ice Age? Monday, Jun 24, 1974 In Africa, drought continues for the sixth consecutive year, adding terribly to the toll of famine victims. During 1972 record rains in parts of the U.S., Pakistan and Japan caused some of the … Continue reading

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Peer Reviewed Science

Discoveries are being made in climate science, but they are not coming from academia.

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Anti UHI Adjustments

Salta, Argentina has a population of 1.4 million people and is the 7th most populous city in the country.  Their population has increased 10X over the past 70 years. NOAA creates a non-existent warming trend there by cooling pre-1949 temperatures … Continue reading

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Record Breaking 1931

“MINNEAPOLIS—(AP)—Minnesota in 1931 broke all yearly records for heat, producing the warmest weather in the records of the federal weather bureau here, which has been keeping yearly data for the state since 1886. The mean temperature was 46.94 degrees as … Continue reading

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1926 Flood In Lithuania

“?19 March 1926 Catastrophic Flood Threatens Capital Kovno.—The population of Kovno, the capital of Lithuania, is suffering greatly from a Hood caused by the overflowing of the rivers Niemen and Vilya. The flood, which started a few days ago, now … Continue reading

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