“something fascinating about science”

“There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.”
? Mark Twain

Was there ever life on Venus? | World Economic Forum

Those look like lava flows, not rivers drainages.

This is what river drainages look like.

It is analogous to misinterpretation of Mars Imagery 120 years ago.

THERE IS LIFE ON THE PLANET MARS; Prof. Percival Lowell recognized as the greatest authority on the subject, declares there can be no doubt that living beings inhabit our neighbor world. – The New York Times

The photographs show that the dark areas in Mars can only be explained by vegetation

08 May 1926 – LIFE ON MARS – Trove

15 Jan 1915 – How the Martians Made Their Canals. – Trove

20 Jan 1901, Page 4 – The Anaconda Standard

TimesMachine: November 10, 1907 – NYTimes.com

MARS CANALS FOR DRAINAGE. – German Says They Are to Prevent Floods When Pole Caps Melt.

TimesMachine: August 27, 1911 – NYTimes.com

12 Feb 1921, Page 10 – Reading Times

04 Oct 1919, Page 47 – The Winnipeg Tribune

08 Feb 1920, Page 69 – New-York Tribune

TimesMachine: March 26, 1927 – NYTimes.com

27 Feb 1928, Page 4 – The Daily Courier

18 Sep 1940, Page 3 – The Hopewell Herald

10 Jun 1948 – PLANT LIFE ON MARS – Trove

TimesMachine: June 25, 1950 – NYTimes.com

St. Petersburg Times – Google News Archive Search

06 Jun 1965, Page 82 – Express and News

The Southeast Missourian

05 Aug 1998, Page 4 – Clarion-Ledger

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “something fascinating about science”

  1. Scissor says:

    Joe Biden remembers going to Venus for a good sniff and chocolate chip ice cream.

  2. Bruce says:

    “Those look like lava flows, not rivers drainages.”

    Well, Venus has verrrryyyy thick water.


    • dm says:

      “… Venus HAD v thick water”;-}

      Catastrophic climate change caused Venutians to colonize Mars. After causing catastrophic climate change on Mars, Venutians colonized earth. They are now wrecking earth;-}

  3. arn says:

    Observing the surface of Venus has always be a pain as result of its superdense atmosphere –
    then there are super strong winds and acid rain – both with the effect to change surfaces within pretty short (geological) periods of time.

    Yet these expertmanns know how the climate was a billion years ago.

    But even if we do believe that there once was 350 ppm perfect climate
    on venus.
    Where does all the gas suddenly came from to create such a high pressure atmosphere ( which is the real reason for venus high temperatures )?

  4. Mac says:

    Okay, so what’s the panic? Venus’s atmosphere is 95% CO2, right? So, even with such a high concentration of CO2, according to the dolts at the WEF, it took almost 1 billion years for Venus to become the hot house it is today. I would infer from this, then, that we on Earth have billions of years before we become like Venus. So, calm down climate cultists. You’ve got a long time to go.

    Meanwhile, I’m going to go for a ride on my Harley, and burn some hydrocarbons. I love CO2!

    • arn says:

      Mars atmosphere is 95 % co – and Mars is supercold.

      The real BS with the Venus claim is,
      that there was no warming for the billions of years on Venus ,
      but all of a sudden something happend a billion years ago that turned the climate into hell.

      The same baseless claim that is trying to tell us that a GHG runaway effect that hasn’t happened on a planet 70% covered with liquid GHG H20 and with up to 15 x more co2 in billions of years ( = our climate is super super resistant to such a warming)
      is now going to happen because of an insignificant co2 increase.
      That’s total nonsense.

  5. Timo, not that one! says:

    I feel sad that in a mere 120 years, those poor Martians had to all die from global warming. Now, when we one day we land some men on Mars, they will find no remaining evidence of the existance of the Martians. The canals have all eroded away already.
    Too bad.

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