Michael Mann speaks out about politics.
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Look up. Those statements are all examples of projection.
I know –
(I forgot last time to add a sarc after my lengthy comment that started with no projection – and then listed one projection after another).
Using irony in ones 3rd language ain’t smart.
But sometimes I can’t resist – and neither can I added.
And of course it is projection as it is even main part of Marxist strategy.
Alinsky already suggested 50 years ago to blame others for the things you do and are guilty of.
And this is exactlywhat Mann is doing.
The democrats have been locking people down, forcing vaccines on them,
kicking them out of jobs, destroying free speech – and everything by violating laws and democratic rule.
At the same time they have been destroying energy supply ,economy and middle class.
Weaponizing secret service and department of justice,
starting a new war and Chaos in Afghanistan,
stole the election and fake jan 6th and blew it out of proportion.
All this happened while Mann was tweeting this crap about GOP.
On the other hand we must admit that Mann’s comments have the same integrity and skill as his scientific work.
At least he is consistent – in the worst possible way.
Yeah, sorry. The fragility of sarcasm and/or irony can easily get lost in translation if followed by a long rant; it is best effective when followed by silence (and still misunderstood by some, even then).
Lastly, the thing about projection – the person is fooling himself – visioning in others what he is guilty of but truly cannot see in himself. Although Mann’s statements would be examples of psychological projection, we both seem to agree that what Mann is doing is knowingly performing – propagandizing – rather than reacting from a psychological blockage.
Thanks for the follow up.
as someone who never uses irony because I don’t trust myself to get the subtleties right, I can assure you the facetious nature of your headline and intro came across loud and clear. There’s no need to apologize for your use of your 3rd language—you write superbly.
Wait, who’s arn? Who’s Tony Heller? Never mind. But my praise of your English still stands, arn.
Brad, It was I who said I was sorry, embarrassed for not getting it and why it was lost on me. You and arn are quicker than I. arn is more wise to the world than I and I have learned much from arn’ contributions, which are always welcome.
I am ambivalent concerning Mann’s tweets, interviews and speeches. I suspect they are a part of a much larger propaganda campaign, and may not be as easily explained away as psychological projection, which I had initially assumed. I reserve the right to be wrong. Thanks
Wow, there really is something wrong with this guy. The University of Pennsylvania must be so proud.
Penn State, not University of Pennsylvania (Penn). Of course, Penn has some real winners there, as well, as we saw when its president testified to Congress.
Amazing! Every time I think Michael Mann has reached his zenith (in proving what a giant POS he is), he proves me wrong!
I have to admit he does have talent… but not for doing science.
Guys a despicable scum bag.
Mann is deluded in believing himself to be a scientist, so why shouldn’t his tenuous grip on reality extent to politics?
Mann knows 100% that his science is politics
and that he is a political agitator –
Otherwise he would not have posted this crap exactly at that time when democrats have been pushing towards totalitarian rule by using Covid and climate as excuse.
You will find no comment about unjustified and ineffective lockdowns ,masks and vaccines.(which we predicted here precisely almost 4 years ago including the artificial origin)
Nor does he gives a shit about victims of side effects who were forced to take a vaccine that was released 10 years before time.
All the data is available now , yet Mann ignores scandal after scandal,crime after crime – and is only cyring GOP bad.
And this POS is trying to save humanity from warming
and to fool people to believe he is scientist and that his treering BS is relevant.
I was trying to be charitable, not to attribute to evil what could be explained as stupidity.
I am not such a good person.
I always attribute to evil in politics and wherever ‘incompetence’ and doubling down is systemic .
For 2 reasons.
There are no coincidences in politics (and Manns statement and science are politics.)
And if there is a coincidence you can be sure it was planned that way.
FD Roosevelt
And politics are shark infested waters,
where only smart and /or cunning survive.
And most of these guys have some top college degrees
(and those who are dumb are bought, paid and protected puppets who will follow any order given by their masters ).
And you can not trick half the population into self destruction and built such a huge racket like global warming and have for decades a perpetual global war machine
without being smart and evil.
Hanlon’s Razor….
How did his lawyers convince him to NOT file this lawsuit, he should seriously consider filing malpractice against them…
Classic projection by “The Man”. he must have looked in a mirror and been horrified by what he saw
Prof. Michael Mann is a pure idiot.
BTW, if you want to know what the Democrats are up to, just look what they are accusing the Republicans of. (Pardon the dangling participle.)
No he’s a puppet who has sold his soul to the Big Brother Mafia. When you’re in you never get out (alive). He must live in more fear than we know.
Yeah, I thought one of Mann’s mantras was “stay in your lane.” So where did he get the Ph.D. in journalism or politics? (Or philosophy? — gotta love that “pure evil” concept.)
Maybe that idiot Mann would like to throw us all in the water and see if we float. This is how you know that the “climate change” thing is just a religious cult. Look at the ridiculous and hysterical language that’s employed when these automatons talk about anyone who isn’t in their cult: “pure evil”, “you will be killed…”, etc. Mann is obviously a liar and a corrupt anti-science snake oil salesman, and he doesn’t seem terribly bright to me, either. I mean, this guy is sure to come off second-best in a debate with a jack o’ lantern.
How dare this priggish little homunculus call us “evil” just because we’re too smart to believe that 0.4% CO2 in the atmosphere is going to wreck the planet.
Through pure incompetence, Mann produced what his masters wanted to see. He missed his vocation as a garbage collector, where he could have had a more positive effect on the environment.
There you go, being charitable again.
Because he is a priggish little homunculus.
Mann is the epitome of Ike’s warning about government “science” in his departing speech.
People let him off the hook when they refer to him as an idiot, or stupid. His science is awful. But, to produce that crap required some intelligence. His deceit and attempts to block and demonize others to cover his tracks – also indicate intelligence.
Presstitutes may not know what the truth is (useful idiots who believe the fiction of Hansen, Mann, Jones, Schmidt, NOAA, et. al). We should not let the creators of the Climate Scam off the hook by referring to them as idiots.
I just listened to Tucker’s interview with Dr. Willie Soon, PhD, wherein he mentions Dr. Mann-geler. Soon has a group of independent scientists who don’t accept donations from the government and are studying various climate issues, and other things. It appears that Mann saw the moment for fame and jumped onto the passing political freight train by fabricating his hockey stick from whole cloth. It’s pure non-science and the sign of a hack who has no morals, or belief in his own profession. It’s probably too late for him to be stricken from his burro by blinding light and repent, without dying immediately afterward, and perhaps his continuous ranting is his only way to express his grief for his sin.
Soon also mentioned that they took the climate data, minus all stations in urban heat islands, and guess what? No global warming.
Was this data before or after adjustment?
If the data they used was not the raw data
than this could mean that there is even a cooling trend.
I don’t remember the interview getting into the falsification of data aspect.
see Mark Steyn versus wee Mikey in the festering Washington DC court case.
It should be fun next week when Mark (finally – after 12 years) gets to cross examine the fraudulent ‘scientist’
Every point he attempts to make is psychological projection.
Off topic , but finallya good video about the coordinated invasion of the USA at the redacted channel on youtube.
US invasion from start to finish.
(cant post the link from my device)
Comment of of the day from the billionaires meeting in Davos and their political puppets.
“Not that long ago.We owned the News.
We were the gatekeepers.
And we owned the facts as well.
If we said it in the WSJ and the NYT,
then that was a fact .
Nowadays people can go to all sorts of different sources for the new “
And yet Penn State U accepts him and protects him.
That is also very disturbing to me.
Really gives the whole thing away.
Learn more about Dr. Mann’s flaws here–https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/18/watch-the-mann-steyn-trial-live/
Every minute spent listening is time well spent.
Thank you dm.
I dream of a time when it is people like Mann would be on trial. I will not forget what he did to Tim Ball, who won yet lost his life savings and his health in the process. https://www.steynonline.com/12840/ball-bearing
May God bless Mark Steyn (and Tim Ball’s family).
Thanks for the link.
such is Mann the lying TOOL of his church of GREED