“too much energy”

Fifty years ago the US was experiencing severe energy shortages due to Arab oil producing states shutting down sales to the US.  Obama’s future science advisor (John Holdren) said that was a good thing.

WASHINGTON (UPI) _ Terrorism is less likely the result of political motivations than of everyday frustrations such. as long gasoline lines, inflation and dissatisfaction with government, a leading psychiatrist has told Congress.

01 Mar 1974, 11 – Tucson Citizen at Newspapers.com

“By John P. Holdren BERKELEY, Calif. — The United States is threatened far more by the hazards of too much energy. too soon, than by the hazards of too little, too late …. less energy can mean more employment. The energy-producing industries comprise the most capital intensive and least labor-intensive major sector of the economy Accordingly. each dollar of investment capital taken out of energy production and invested in something else, and each — personal-consumption dollar saved by reduced energy use and spent elsewhere in the economy, will create more jobs than are lost.”

The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to “too much energy”

  1. arn says:

    Less energy can mean more employment –

    that’s why countries with low energy production have so many and successful workers,
    and that’s why China is building power plants like crazy
    to be able to provide all those millions of jobs that were imported from the west with energy.

    And that’s why the economies in USA ,Germany, UK are going down since they started going green.

    And while Holdren and friends went from ice age scare ( the intentions of people who are trying to shut down energy production while they are telling you that you will soon freeze to death can only be genocidal – and that’s what Holdrens book Ecoscience is ),
    to global warming, they kept all the fearporn scenarios and even the same lies (more jobs) they used to tell during the ice age scare.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    With too much energy, you can grow food, forest, glaciers, clean air, and just about anything you want.

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