Follow Liz To Canada

It seems reasonable for the few New York counties which voted for Kamala Harris to migrate to Canada.

“New York Senator Liz Krueger has proposed the idea New York should secede from the U.S. and become a new province of Canada.”

(4) TaraBull on X: “BREAKING: New York Senator Liz Krueger has proposed the idea New York should secede from the U.S. and become a new province of Canada.” / X

New York 2024 Election Live Results – 270toWin

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Follow Liz To Canada

  1. Trevor says:

    Keep her down there. We don’t need another loonie-toon nutbar in Canada. Our country already has 10 million too many of them.

  2. arn says:

    Looks like sea levels in her state would drop by 2 yards if she actually left New York.
    Wide supremacy is real.

    And … wouldn’t that mean by her own political standards(she looks like someone with a Ukrainian flag) that the USA must go to war with Canada in such a case?

    • William says:

      I understand Junior is planning to hold hearings on the epidemic of wide supremacy. And its militant faction, Fat Lives Matter. Wide supremacy is funny, clever. I may borrow it. If it’s not protected by copyright

    • Disillusioned says:

      Yeah, it does appear Lizard Kruger (I took note of her lapel pin) has never missed a meal a day in her life. Maybe she could lobby for the health czar position to take the place of that fat dude who changed his name to Rachel and started putting on womens’ clothing.

      • arn says:

        I also got those Rachel vibes from her photo above and looked it up.
        But it seems Wikipedia took the worst one as she does not look fakegender on the other ones.

  3. William says:

    A lateral move for the Declining Empire State. They would exchange Trump for Son of Fidel with his 30 percent “mandate”. Even Hitler did better with 40 percent. Her first priority should be to remove that small lizard crawling on her jacket. Although it works as an artful accessory with her three chins. And fire her hairdresser. It appears that she styled her thin hair with a weed whacker. But enough with the personal attacks; they are unbecoming for a Christian gentleman. Liz was no doubt drawn from the Best and Brightest, she wouldn’t have been elected otherwise. Meanwhile the Russians sit back and observe Our Democracy. They don’t know whether to laugh or cry

    • Crispin Pemberton-Pigott says:

      Is that Newt Gingrich?
      Maybe it’s a gecko.
      Anyway, the lizard people can rather declare independence. Canada’s southern border extends far enough south as it is. The Great Wide North is wide enough.

  4. jeno denuzzi says:

    She is quite fortunate that she is not charged withe “inciting insurrection”,which is a federal crime.Also we did have a Civil War over state’s seceding from the Union…, something that definitely would tarnish her political standing.

  5. Richard E Fritz says:

    is it just a trend or requirement to be fat stupid and a LEFTIST politian

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