Changes In Arctic Ice Over The Past Week

Red shows ice extent loss since August 7, green shows gain. High pressure has been creating winds which are compacting the ice in the Chukchi, East Siberian and Laptev Seas, and will continue to do so for at least a few more days.
ScreenHunter_1942 Aug. 14 22.26

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Changes In Arctic Ice Over The Past Week

  1. Curt says:

    And then there’s this issue:

    “Up to 20% of collared polar bears located on ice that officially does not exist, says the PBSG”

  2. FergalR says:

    Jim the tedious windbag will be along with another one of his photoshop disasters any minute now.

  3. Anto says:

    Speaking of which, how are our intrepid NW Passage sailors going? Oh, they’ve given up – Quitters!

    As this was the place where we had reached the northernmost point of our
    current voyage (74° 41’N), the crew of Suilven (John and Linda Andrews,
    and Max Bentley) produced two bottles of champagne to celebrate not only
    this symbolic landfall, but also to bid us farewell. The tardy opening
    of the Northwest Passage, and the prospect of a late arrival in the
    Pacific, had persuaded them to spend the rest of the summer in Greenland
    and Newfoundland and possibly give the Northwest Passage another try
    next year.

  4. Crashex says:

    “Over the last week”….I think you meant August 7th, not “July 7th”.

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