Two years ago, the White House and NPR authoritatively announced the official Texas permanent drought
“the most comprehensive, authoritative, transparent scientific report on U.S. climate change impacts ever generated.”
More Drought, Heat and Water Wars: What Climate Change Already Means for Texas
Since their permanent drought report came out in May, 2014, Texas has had their second wettest two year period on record. Texas has been getting wetter progressively since 1895.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
The same report also said that hot weather in Texas was going to become much more common.
Great Plains | National Climate Assessment
Every indicator shows the exact opposite. Hot weather in Texas has been becoming less common and less severe over the past 85 years.
The White House can’t convince people of their wildly fraudulent energy agenda, so they are attempting to criminalize dissent instead.