Daily Archives: June 29, 2016

Exxon Didn’t Know, And Neither Did Anyone Else

One of many big lies being pushed by climate alarmists is that Exxon knew in the 1960’s and 1970’s that they were melting the world. This is total nonsense, because climatologists didn’t believe it. 12 Mar 1978, Page 140 – … Continue reading

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Arizona Historic Heatwave Fraud

Two weeks ago, experts announced an historic heatwave in Arizona. They said that “Lying About Science For Politics Is Evil” – which is exactly what they are doing. In fact, June has been just about average and much cooler than 1896. The … Continue reading

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Daily Fraud Update From NSIDC

Earlier this year I caught NSIDC making huge areas of five year old ice disappear overnight. They are back for more, claiming that Nuuk, Greenland hit 75 degrees in June. Greenland Ice Sheet Today | Surface Melt Data presented by … Continue reading

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Joe Romm Grants The Southwest A 40 Year Reprieve

Joe Romm says the southwest will be in permanent drought by 2050. What Brexit And Trump’s Rise Mean For The Global Community’s Fight Against Climate Change | ThinkProgress This is very good news, because five years ago he said the … Continue reading

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Another Growing Glacier In Northern Greenland

There are three large glaciers which flow to the sea in Northwest Greenland. This one is growing. Another one, the Petermann Glacier, is also growing, The third one has been too cloudy to get a good look at yet.

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