Bill Gray – Hurricane Pioneer

Before Dr. Bill Gray turned his talents to debunking the climate scam, he pioneered our understanding of tropical storm formation. His 1968 paper formed the basis of most subsequent hurricane research. This paper is a must read.

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In 1984, he issued the first seasonal hurricane forecast.

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Even the most ardent climate alarmists recognized his tremendous contributions.

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Bill Gray: A Towering Figure in Hurricane Science | Dr. Jeff Masters’ WunderBlog

Bill’s funding was cut off by Vice-President Al Gore in 1993 for refusing to go along with Gore’s climate scam. Bill always valued science and integrity above all else, and fought for both right up to his last breath.

Note that Jule Charney, referenced in Bill’s 1968 paper, held a similar view of climatologists and their snake oil. Only in 1974 they were predicting global cooling.

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2016-06-01 06 14 04

Lakeland Ledger – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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